Saturday 30 April 2022

15 Tips for Scaling Your SEO Content Strategy

In this post, we cover 15 tips for making SEO a priority in content strategies and how this impacts scaling SEO.

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The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing Strategy

Content Marketing can help you grow your business better and build trust with your customers. Explore this guide and learn how to develop a powerful content marketing strategy for your company, step by step.

from Semrush blog

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Predictions for 2022: Workplace, Tech, and ESG Points

If business leaders have the fortitude to act, this year is ripe with possibilities. To clarify, there is no workplace crystal ball.

We have arrived at the time of year when we are nearly ready to start the second quarter. We have attempted to make sense of the last two years and how we have adapted to those changes in this first quarter.

The fact is that there are still a lot of unknowns in this strange new world. Sure, the epidemic is far from ended; yes, the globe still confronts many of the same issues that it did in 2021, but with additional twists. And now we have started into something worse than the pandemic — the Ukraine war.

Nonetheless, some individuals see a lot of possibilities for the rest of this year.

1. The digital revolution will continue.

Covid-19 has been on the scene for a couple of years — yet, organizations continue to show resiliency and innovation, thanks mainly to their embrace of digitalization.

However, there is room for improvement everywhere and this is a positive thing for the workplace. To combat a significant increase in threats, areas like cybersecurity can—and should—be automated. Other tasks need a more personal touch. As we go toward hyper-automation, for example, my hope is that company leaders would approach automation with a people-first perspective — automating their most employee-centric operations carefully and purposefully.

While putting people first is a technique that slows down certain aspects of automation, it ensures that the appropriate processes are automated correctly from the start.

2. Humans and AI will work together more.

Many people are still amazed, perplexed, and concerned about artificial intelligence. Individuals became even more worried when Google’s AlphaStar algorithm defeated 99.8 percent of the world’s best players in the complicated strategic game StarCraft II. An AI game garnering a winning had the experts perplexed. (Congratulations to the 0.2 percent of those who defeated the bots!)

Meanwhile, commentators provide a steady stream of “robots are stealing your jobs” articles. Calm down, people. Artificial intelligence isn’t going to take over the planet. In truth, AI is only as good as the data that people provide it, no matter how powerful or quick it is. This year, some people believe we’ll see a more robust adoption of AI inside the company as more business executives know the value of human-AI cooperation.

Employees will eventually profit from this collaboration since, after all, we humans will be the ones who decide when and how managers may utilize AI to improve our jobs.

3. Employees will want — and rightfully so — more.

With the Great Resignation and the ongoing demand for improved workplace conditions, 2022 will be a year of “power to the people.” Organizations must strengthen the emotional component of the digital work experience to compete in this heated talent market. People will vote with their feet if they fail to connect with and encourage their employees — after all, why stay in a position that doesn’t enable you to reach your full potential?

That’s why, beyond decent UI and consumerization, businesses should move today to make the digital experience more coherent with their businesses — with a feeling of belonging and purpose. On the other hand, corporate leaders should empower their employees to increase productivity.

Low-code solutions enable employees to solve their issues and enhance their work processes, making them essential for future employee experience.

4. We’ll be hyper-aware of our surroundings in every workplace.

The previous several years have taught us that the more we immerse ourselves in the digital world, the more attention we must pay to our actual surroundings. Do you believe the present supply chain is now strained? Wait as we proceed further into 2022 to see what happens. The possibilities are endless. We’re pushed thinner than ever before regarding inventory and logistics, and things are only getting worse as labor shortages persist.

We speak a lot about digital transformation, which is critical, but we must remember that we live in a concrete and valuable world. The continuous climate chaos reminds us that our actions have far-reaching implications and must endeavor to improve the planet. The last and most crucial prediction for possibilities.

5. ESG will be the topic of conversation in the C-suite workplace.

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns are becoming more critical in the corporate sector. In 2022, the C-suite will prioritize the need to safeguard and maintain our planet and its people above giving PR-driven lip service to ESG. We may have complete control over the digital world we’ve built — but it won’t mean anything until we have a healthy planet and a fully functioning civilization to sustain it.

People change because of factors other than compassion — sometimes change has to be demanded for people to finally do what’s right. The need for a well-considered ESG strategy is becoming apparent as a crucial business requirement. Boards, consumers, and a new generation of employees are increasingly scrutinizing leaders and their enterprises. All are acutely aware that we are at a social and environmental crossroads.

Gen Z is particularly interested in where prospective employers stand on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) problems. Which makes it all the more vital for companies competing for talent to pay attention. While corporations will have to rise to the occasion, we can lower our carbon footprint by committing to a net-zero carbon footprint.

That’s all there is to it

The world has changed a lot in the last few years and it’s optimistic to say that 2022 will mark a turning point in our attitudes about labor, technology, and the environment as a whole.

While it may seem frightening to face the rest of 2022 with the Russian/Ukraine issues surrounding our thoughts — it seems that the best potential of possibilities will be in looking forward.

Image Credit: Pexels; Thank you!

This article was originally published here.

The post Predictions for 2022: Workplace, Tech, and ESG Points appeared first on ReadWrite.


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Yet Another Reason Not To Build Your Content Home on Rented Land [Rose-Colored Glasses]

Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover feels like an opportune moment to reflect on this content marketing advice: Don’t build your home on rented land. But that phrase might not mean what you think it means for your content program. Continue reading →


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Friday 29 April 2022

SEO Split Test Result: Find the Best Answer for Both Users And Search Engines

This short case study focuses on testing multiple variants for the same SEO element (page title) on (retail site) to find the best-performing variant.

from Semrush blog

In this blog you will find out about SEO news, tools and tips from different SEO companies and experts, which will helps you to grow your business.

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8 Ways to Master Green Marketing (+5 Eco-Friendly Brands to Follow)

Just last week, we celebrated the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day, which helped give rise to the environmental movement more than half a century ago.

Now, of course, it’s far more common to see brands prioritize the environment than it was in 1970.

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And this, of course, spurred the rise of green marketing. What exactly does that mean? Read on to learn:

What green (or sustainable) marketing is and why it’s important

Five of the most eco-friendly brands to give you inspiration

Eight ways to implement your own green marketing

What is green marketing?

Sustainability marketing, or green marketing, is a practice that emphasizes the environmental benefits of a product or service, which also reflects a brand’s values.

“Overall, the objective is to advocate toward an end mission,” said digital marketing specialist Matt Tutt, who focuses on ethical, green, and sustainable businesses. “For example, it might be to reduce the use of fossil fuels or to pivot toward greener sources of energy.”

That means sustainability marketing is a big shift from traditional marketing, which focuses on revenue and profits.

But the definition of sustainability is shifting. Ultimately, brands should strive to move beyond sustainability to what Horowitz called “regenerativity,” which he defined as taking steps to actively make the world better, such as “developing and marketing products and services that [target] hunger, poverty, racism, other kinds of othering, catastrophic climate change and even peace.”

In fact, one study shows that nearly half of consumers now consider the definition of sustainability to include social and economic factors.

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Why is green marketing important?

Aside from the environmental benefits, sustainability marketing is important because it helps brands connect to increasingly environmentally and socially conscious consumers, said Roger Huang, head of growth operations at talent development platform Springboard.

“Sustainability is a vast 2022 macro trend and marketing plays an important role,” added Matt Lally, founder of the consultancy MattyAds. “Sustainability is high on the customer’s internal value system, which they embrace with higher brand loyalty and less price sensitivity.”

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This isn’t just an opinion. Studies like the one above show that consumers in every generation consider sustainability a more important factor than the brand name of a product when making a purchase. Furthermore, Facebook found that posts containing sustainability-related hashtags received 4.2x more interactions per post than other posts made by CPG brands, and 10.8x more engagement for posts with eco-friendly-related hashtags.

5 of the most eco-friendly brands

While there are many brand examples by now, a few stand out:

The Body Shop

Scott McKinney, head of marketing at financial literacy site Debt Bombshell, pointed to cosmetics retailer The Body Shop, which has been advocating for the end of animal testing since 1989.

Zaeem Chaudhary, architectural draftsman at engineering firm AC Design Solutions, agreed, noting domestic violence and HIV/AIDS are two of many other causes the retailer has supported over the years.


Meanwhile, furniture retailer Ikea has committed to becoming climate positive by 2030. That means Ikea will not just reach net-zero carbon emissions, but it will actually be removing additional carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

“They have launched a ‘sustainable living at home’ products range after investing heavily in wind turbines and solar panels throughout the world,” Tutt said. “By combining these two things, they can help to position themselves as having green energy and sustainability at the heart of their products.”


Likewise, toymaker Lego wants to make all core products from sustainable materials by 2030—and to make all packaging from renewable or recycled materials by 2025.

“This form of marketing gives the company a unique selling proposition and customers are willing to walk with the company and hold it accountable until it achieves its sustainability goals,” said Doug Pierce, chief marketing adviser at analytics platform Sigma Computing. “Moreover, customers are willing to pay more for Lego products and will continue to remain loyal to the company because of this commitment to sustainability.”

The brand also has a Replay program, which allows customers to donate used bricks to children in need. This, noted Stephen Light, CMO of retailer Nolah Mattress, has the added bonus of helping to reduce waste in landfills.

“When you consider their product is traditionally made of plastic, it’s incredibly smart to invest so much energy into the implementation of sustainable practices—they don’t ignore the potentially negative impact their product has had, they use it to define their fight to achieve better for the planet at large,” he added. “They provide goals and regular updates regarding sustainable materials and packaging, offering a level of transparency that’s crucial to strong sustainability marketing.”


Noting “it feels like sustainability is at the heart of everything they do,” Tutt pointed to outdoor apparel brand Patagonia as another example.

“They are working hard toward building a community of people who love and care deeply for the outdoors and not simply existing to sell garments,” he said. “Their social feeds are full of exciting, stunning wildlife and landscapes, images and videos of people out hiking and exploring—really putting the environment at the heart of what they do.”

One memorable example is the brand’s Don’t Buy This Jacket campaign, which brought attention to consumerism on Black Friday 2011.

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“Patagonia’s ethos is to build a product that will last, thus rejecting the fast fashion trends that plague our landfills,” Lally added.


Finally, coffee chain Starbucks recently announced its plans to encourage more customers to drink from reusable mugs by 2025.

That follows a long history of sustainable efforts.

“Since the early 2000s, the company has been promoting green and humane sourcing for their products,” said Christiaan Huynen, founder of design firm DesignBro. “Moreover, the company also donates millions of dollars to other environmental programs and renewable energy developments. Starbucks also prioritizes sustainable practices in an attempt to decrease power and water waste.”

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How you can implement green marketing

Feeling inspired? Here are six ways to integrate green marketing into your own marketing strategy:

Find the right sustainable initiative

You don’t have to commit to something lofty like any of the big corporations above. “This may be as simple as giving one percent of your profits to charity or as complex as devoting your business model to a specific cause,” said Joe Davies, founder of digital marketing firm Fatjoe.

By looking for features that can be marketed as sustainable, brands can leverage the feel-good benefit of the product or service while also providing value, he added.

Keep your efforts genuine

But, Shel Horowitz, a green business profitability expert, noted, these efforts have to be genuine or you run the risk of greenwashing. Greenwashing refers to using vague and misleading tactics to appear sustainable without actually being sustainable—all in the name of benefiting the business and not the environment.

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Adjust your messaging for the different levels of green

“That’s only step one,” he said. “Step two is reaching out to not just the Deep Green [consumers] but also the Lazy Greens and even the Non-Greens—all of whom require different marketing hooks.”

Implement eco-conscious design

First, consider product design—such as how to make your products recyclable or reusable if they aren’t already. Starbucks cups are a good example but there are countless others, like Coolpaste below.

Davies recommends making products with less packaging while Jeff Mains, CEO of the consultancy Champion Leadership Group, suggests seeking out environmentally conscious suppliers, manufacturers and partners.

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Source sustainable materials

Then, think about whether you can incorporate more sustainable materials, like bamboo, cork or hemp.

This, said David Wurst, CEO of digital marketing agency Webcitz, is one of the most prominent approaches to sustainable marketing.

“Shampoos with fewer hazardous components that dissolve more quickly in water, as well as reusable straws and water bottles, are among these items,” he added. “Companies can gain traction in the green market by providing consumers with alternative items that help them feel better about their influence on the environment.”

Ethique is another example of a super-sustainable brand.

Another way to ensure your items are sourced sustainably is to ensure your suppliers are ethical and provide a living wage to their employees, said David Bitton, CMO of property management firm DoorLoop.

“Additionally, ensure that the materials used to make your products have a low environmental impact, do not contain any harmful substances and are biodegradable,” he added.

Use plastic-free products and packaging

Another way to do this is by going plastic-free.

“Today, billions of pounds of [plastic] can be found in the swirling convergences that make up over 40% of the world’s ocean surfaces,” Wurst said. “Thousands of seabirds, sea turtles, seals, and other marine creatures are killed each year after consuming or becoming entangled in plastic.”

If, for example, your packaging is single-use plastic, consider more environmentally friendly alternatives.

Brands like Earth Hero allow you to shop by specific value, like plastic-free packaging.

“We make an effort on sustainable packaging, reducing our use of plastics and other non-compostable packaging materials by replacing them with wood, wool and straw,” said Kathryn McDavid, CEO of ecommerce company Editor’s Pick.

Reduce your emissions

Fulfillment is another business sector that can benefit from sustainable practices.

“Long-distance shipping can have a significant carbon footprint,” said Jason Ball, director of B2B agency Considered Content. “Trucks and planes, among other modes of transportation, are among the major emitters of greenhouse gases.”

Instead, he said companies can ship in bulk to lessen their carbon impact or they can offer a green shipping option at checkout.

In addition, businesses can offset carbon emissions from the supply chain, Davies noted.

Focus on renewable energy

Beyond the products themselves, businesses can also implement eco-friendly energy practices, such as using solar, wind, hydropower or geothermal electricity.

“Access to renewable energy sources has improved in recent years and the market for harvesting renewable energy is likely to grow in the next decades as more countries invest in it,” said Jamie Opalchuk, CEO of hosting platform HostPapa.

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Dan Close, CEO of house-buying firm We Buy Houses in Kentucky, agreed, noting renewable energy can reduce production costs while also helping the environment.

Assume social responsibility

Finally, corporate social responsibility (CSR) allows brands to better communicate how they’re affecting positive change to conscious consumers. That’s according to Chris Gadek, vice president of growth at outdoor advertising firm AdQuick, who noted customers are often willing to pay more when a brand’s identity aligns with their beliefs.

“For this reason, businesses must embrace CSR in their brand ethos to have a competitive advantage,” he said. “However, promoting your business’s CSR initiatives without tooting your own horn can be tricky. But, through a well-crafted social media campaign, you can invite customers on your brand’s journey to effect positive change in the world.”

You can even go as far as getting a third-party certification, such as becoming a B Corp.

“Certified B Corp status is a recognizable certification that verifies your brand’s sustainability efforts and having a third party make the sustainability claims is more legitimate to consumers than the brand making the claims themselves because there’s less bias,” said Calloway Cook, president of supplement maker Illuminate Labs.

Get your green marketing strategy in gear

To recap, here are eight ways to implement green marketing:

Pick the right initiative

Keep your efforts genuine

Adjust your messaging to the different levels of “green” in your audience

Implement eco-conscious design

Use plastic-free products and packaging

Reduce your emissions

Use renewable energy

Assume social responsibility

The post 8 Ways to Master Green Marketing (+5 Eco-Friendly Brands to Follow) appeared first on WordStream.


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How to Keep Innovation a Top Priority at a Tech Company

As the saying goes, the only thing constant is change, and that’s absolutely true at tech companies. Technology is always changing. And for tech companies, figuring out what those changes need to be and making them happen is paramount. It represents your best shot at thriving and growing and helping you keep innovation a top priority.

While getting the first version of a product to market is exhilarating, it’s not when the work ends. It’s merely when the real work begins, in determining how a product can improve and thinking about those next changes.

Innovation, important as it is to this growth and change, needs to be nurtured, cultivated, and encouraged in your employees. If your company is trying to make innovation more central to all you do, here are some tips for how to inspire innovation in your company.

1. Make time for free, innovative thinking.

It can be hard to be innovative just out of the blue. Having a specific time and place in which innovation is encouraged is a key to making it happen.

I recommend taking time out once a month to hold a session that is dedicated exclusively to idea generation. You don’t have to find a separate location to do something. However, it’s still best if it has a “retreat” sort of feel to it, as free-flowing and freeform as it possibly can.

Make sure that you have somebody getting all the ideas down. Having it on a whiteboard visible to everyone allows one idea to springboard to others.

And make sure that you have a facilitator that can keep the energy of the session going. Asking the right questions and the right follow-up questions is key.

2. Don’t shoot down new ideas immediately.

Your innovation idea sessions should be a brainstorming space. Nothing is off the table and nothing is too wild to consider.

Not everything you come up with can be implemented, of course. However, these sessions should be about all the things you can dream up rather than what might be the most rational and logical direction in which to make change.

Take vertical farms, for instance. Conceived in the 1970s, this trend toward indoor, controlled-environment agriculture became possible, as the New York Times reported, thanks to LED light prices dropping nearly 95 percent between 2008 and 2015. That one piece of the puzzle was enough to perhaps change the future of food — even though these farms will have additional challenges requiring more innovation.

Coming up with a new idea that might seem outlandish or unattainable can actually lead to ideas that are doable and inspired. If you see an idea that fits this description, you can let it simmer a bit. Talk through all the options that stem from that, and all the opportunities that might present.

Perhaps even have a follow-up meeting once everyone’s had a chance to sit with what you’ve come up with in that initial meeting. It might lead you to a different idea that becomes your next big thing and help you keep innovation a top priority.

3. Don’t be afraid of failure.

The fear of failure is very real and very present. It can lead some companies to make choices that are safe, predictable, and meet the expectation of their core customers.

However, they don’t allow those companies to spread their wings beyond that and inspire new people. When you’re risking failure, it’s often because you’re taking a chance and you’re trying something that’s new, pushing you into undiscovered terrain with an uncertain outcome.

But where failure can lie waiting is also where opportunity lies.

You can, of course, mitigate against the prospect of failure by doing your homework beforehand. You don’t have to go blindly into whatever risky territory you might think your innovation could take you.

And what initially might look like failure isn’t necessarily that — it could be, for example, that a product you envisioned to do one thing and isn’t being adopted for that purpose could have some other application that does, over time, prove to be a worthy innovation.

Take the iPad. It gathered functions and utilities for customers over the years. However, perhaps not the ones Apple envisioned would be truly resonant for customers at the outset. Consequently, they are now central to how people use them and how Apple’s adopted its marketing around them.

As a recent Forbes article revealed, one tech-savvy parent has revealed how its Focus mode is allowing what has the potential to be a distraction machine, full of games and videos, to steer his kid toward using it to complete homework assignments…without accessing the other temptations that lie within.

4. Bring in new eyes.

You might think that your ideas work within the bubble of your own company. However, part of the fear of failure comes with not knowing how that technology will work in the real world. So, why not bring the real world to you as you seek to keep innovation a top priority?

When you bring in new people — customers and potential customers not yet familiar with your products or the innovations you’re bringing to those products — you have the opportunity to discover things you wouldn’t otherwise know.

Have people come in to test your products. This can help you find opportunities for improvement. You can assess the functionality of your product, the UX and design features, or simply other uses for the product that you haven’t yet conceived.

As pointed out in a recent Readwrite article, the maxim about only getting one chance to make a first impression rings true. “When a person installs an app,” the article points out, “they will likely figure out if they wish to keep the app or uninstall it after the first use only. Therefore the app just has one chance of staying in the app list of the user.”

Most people use 10-30 apps on their phones. However, there’s obviously a lot of competition to stay on people’s phones.

Speed, the onboarding process, and the app’s responsiveness to gestures are all factors in whether an app stays on a customer’s phone. If you’re bringing a new app to market, those new users testing out your innovations can help you with those factors.

5. Get customer feedback on the regular.

However, to keep innovation a top priority, the information gathering shouldn’t stop with the release of the product.

Your future innovations can be informed and inspired by how people are using what you’ve created. You can highlight what they’re learning and discovering about it.

Customer feedback will not only help you gauge how satisfied customers are with what you’ve created, but will help you determine what next innovations they’re hungering for — and that will turn the process into a meaningful dialogue in which you’re building a relationship with your customers over time.

Keep Your Eye on the Prize: Innovation

It’s easy to ease the innovation reigns and coast for a while at a tech company.

However, a tech company that isn’t focused on innovation will quickly fall behind in today’s fast-paced tech-focused world. Implement some of these ideas and your company will make a solid effort to be constantly innovating. It will be easier to stay competitive and keep innovation a top priority.

The post How to Keep Innovation a Top Priority at a Tech Company appeared first on ReadWrite.


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Things to Stop Doing if You Want to Make Money Online

Over the past few years, e-commerce has grown significantly, resulting in millions of new companies offering their services online. In fact, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the e-commerce industry generated $215 billion in sales alone in the first quarter of 2021.

New technologies and ways of making money online have been fostered by e-commerce businesses. If you’re looking for ways to earn money online, there are many options available to you. Many entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small business owners make money through e-commerce sites like Amazon and Etsy.

But, if you really want to make money online, then you need to stop doing the following ten thing immediately.

1. Not having a plan of attack.

The plan doesn’t have to be formal – but the business needs to be planned, advises Carolyn Sun in Entrepreneur.

“People regard the business plan as homework they don’t want to do but planning helps me — whatever my success is,” explains Tim Berry, chairman of Palo Alto Software, which produces business-planning software and author of The Plan-As-You-Go Business Plan.

Sujan Patel, vice president of marketing at When I Work and the founder of several SaaS startups, says, “You don’t need a formal 20-page business plan to successfully plan a business. You need to know who your customers are, what you are selling and what people are willing to pay for your product or service.”

You should also figure out how long your cash will last and how much you have.

2. Failure to launch.

When it comes to business, timing is paramount.

As soon as you discover that there is an opportunity for an online business, you will research the market, the competition, the process, and the aspects involved. On the flip side, the more you spend researching and evaluating, the more likely it is that you will miss the launch window.

In short, the longer your launch is delayed, the longer it will take for your business to begin making money.

Business experts believe this mistake occurs when business owners hesitate to launch their ideas until they are fully perfected. In reality, though “good enough” will often suffice. What’s more, if you drag your feet, there’s a very real chance that a competitor will swoop in.

Trying to be perfect can actually stall you in overthinking. Or even worse, you will end up losing your window. So, don’t fall into the analysis paralysis trap.

3. Setting money as the goal.

Prior to starting any business online, you should ask yourself what is your main goal? And, despite what you may believe, money is not a goal.

As Robert Kiyosaki once said, “Money is not the goal. Money has no value. The value comes from the dreams money helps achieve.” Having that mindset is key to running a successful business, while also living a fulfilling life.

Have trouble determining your goal? Try asking the following questions;

What are you passionate about or what makes you happy.

Is what you plan to do valuable?

Does it have a positive impact on people?

Can it truly help others?

If you answer these questions correctly, then you will be on the right track towards making money online.

4. The unwillingness to spend.

My dad used to say, “It takes money to make money.” That idiom may sound like a contradiction. But, there’s actually some truth to that statement.

Even though it doesn’t take a small fortune to start an online business, you still have to invest in it. Sadly, plenty of people launch online businesses under the mistaken idea that all they need is a computer and an internet connection.

Sure, there are a lot of ways to make money without investing much, like AdSense revenue-sharing websites. In reality, though, having money alone is not sufficient to constitute an income source.

It is essential for an online business to have a well-designed website that loads quickly. To make your website visible and appealing to online users, it is vital that you invest in a reliable web hosting service and purchase premium themes and plugins. Additionally, buying eBooks and

So, my old man was right. To make money online, you have to spend money.

5. Unclear conditions and payment terms.

One drawback to making money online is that it can be consistent and unpredictable. For example, if you’re a freelancer an ongoing gig might dry up. Or, you have a client who stiffs you. If you have an eCommerce site, you don’t know when a sale may go through.

What’s more, there could be a misunderstanding regarding payment terms. For instance, not agreeing on what payment methods you accept.

With that in mind, always have crystal clear conditions and payment terms. This could be clearly stated on your site or negotiating these terms with a client prior to starting work.

In case you’re wondering, payment terms determine how a buyer and seller close a deal. It is usually stated when payment is expected (the norm is 30 days from the invoice date), what payment methods are acceptable, any discounts that are offered, or any other provisions, such as down payments or cash advances.

6. Providing a solution to a non-existent problem and not pivoting when you find one.

Often, online businesses fail because they offer a product or service that does not solve any significant problems. Initially, it may seem like a smart idea, but after some research, you may find your solution is not perceived as a problem by your customers. As a result, you might be able to discover that there is a new way to grow the business.

Pivoting your business is a well-known business strategy. Many famous companies, including PayPal, have managed to accomplish the feat. In the beginning, PayPal shared payments across Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), such as the PalmPilot, but it evolved into a global online payments system.

A business based on selling products or services that don’t solve a problem, but look stylish, is a warning sign — I’m looking at your Metaverse. Prepare to modify your strategy if you think it’s necessary.

7. Choosing the wrong job or niche.

There are hundreds of ways to make money online. But, I’m going to be real. Not all methods are created equal.

Case in point, mico-jobs via Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk). While these jobs are simple, they’re tedious and pay miserably. Often, when starting out, you’re making something like $0.002 to $2 per task.

Aside from the low pay, doing such jobs won’t teach you much that will prepare you for better-paying jobs in the future. You can only make money by working on sites like this by thinking about why someone would want to pay you a couple of cents for a few micro-jobs for them.

What if you decide to set out on your own? Consider how marketable the niche is online before selecting it. Are there already a lot of websites offering the products or services you’re planning to provide? How much online traffic is it generating?

When you see that the niche has already been saturated, it is advisable to explore other possibilities. Additionally, the niche could be untouched but the websites competing for it are having trouble getting traffic. Such a niche is more likely to fail than succeed, so you shouldn’t risk your time and money on it.

8. Having too much on your plate.

Many people make the mistake of trying to juggle multiple responsibilities at once. Making money online is a great option, but it’s the commitment that’s the key to success.

When working during the day, you shouldn’t jump between tasks trying to accomplish three at once. As a result, you’d end up working three jobs, none of which would provide you with much income. Concentrate on endeavor and master it. From there, explore ways to earn a passive income from it so that you can pursue other revenue streams.

9. Over-optimizing your site.

“Too much of a good thing is a bad thing,” says the one and only Neil Patel. This statement rings true in life and in search engine optimization (SEO). “SEO is awesome, but too much SEO can cause over-optimization.”

“Search engine over-optimization is the practice of creating too many SEO improvements to the point that the improvements begin to ruin the website’s ability to rank,” he expains. “You’re doing all the typical SEO good stuff, but then you jack it up too far.” And then all your efforts go south.

So, what are the signs that you’re over-optimizing? Well, here’s seven of them to keep a look out for;

Keyword-rich anchors for internal links. Linking internally is good. However, anchor text containing keywords is bad.

Non-relevant keywords. Make sure that you aren’t trying to gain traffic with unrelated keywords.

Pointing all internal or external links to top-level navigation pages. There should be links pointing to the homepage as well as deep internal pages in a healthy link profile.

Using multiple H1s on a page. The H1 is the main heading on the page. The problem with some webmasters is that they think great SEO is about having a lot of H1 text.

Linking to toxic sites. “The sites that you link to are almost as important as the sites that link to you,” adds Neil.

Keyword-stuffed footer. The best way to hurt your SEO is to over-optimize your website footer. Your only option for footer optimization is not to do it.

Non-branded, keyword-dense URLs. It is important not to create a URL solely for its keyword value.

10. Puttin on the blinders.

In case you’re unfamiliar with this phrase, it means to be unaware of a situation or event that is right before one’s eyes. By the way, blinders are leather pieces that limit a horse’s peripheral vision.

What does this have to do with making money online? Well, one example would be analytics and metrics. Depending on your exact business this can vary. But, at the minimum, you should be paying attention to the following;

Website Bounce Rate

Revenue and/or Leads Per Visitor (RPV or LPV)

Cost per Lead (CPL) and/or Cost per Conversion (CPC)

Number of Leads

Lead Conversion Rate

Sales or Leads from Emails

Email List Size

Visits & Sales [and/or Leads] from Social Media

Total Sales

Furtermore, you should also be listening to feedback from your customers — both good and bad. I would also recommend scoping out the competition to see what they’re doing right and wrong.

And, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention taxes and liability. Depending how your business is structured, this will influence the taxes you owe, as well as assest protection.

Frequently Asked Questions About Making Money Online

What is the best way to make money online fast?

Despite our desire to earn money as fast as possible, these gigs do take time to develop and grow an online business. In most cases, you can make good money in less than a month. Everything depends on how much marketing and effort you put into promoting your business.

How do I make money advertising online?

By placing ads inside your content, you can make money as a content creator. You can use Google AdSense for this. As a rule of thumb, the amount of ad revenue you earn from your webpage is directly related to the number of views it receives.

How do I make money writing online?

Many freelance opportunities are available for writers online, such as writing books, blogging, and more. In addition to building networks, earning followers on social media, and learning industry-specific skills, self-employed writers should become experts in their field.

Where can I sell art online?

For artists who wish to sell their work online, websites such as Redbubble and Zazzle are great options. All the artists need to do is upload their designs to these sites, which are entirely free of charge and simple to use. The company handles everything else, from shipping and returns to customer service. Furthermore, you can sell your artwork on Etsy, Amazon, or even create your own website if you decide you want to be in full control of the product.

Is it guaranteed that I will make money?

Making money is not a guarantee. However, if you don’t make the mistakes listed above, you can drastically increase the chances of making money online.

[ Read: How to make money online]

This post was originally published here.

The post Things to Stop Doing if You Want to Make Money Online appeared first on ReadWrite.


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Thursday 28 April 2022

24 Website Header Examples, Trends & Tips for Conversion

Websites vary in style, format, and quality. But one thing they all have in common? Headers—that strip at the top that makes for easy navigation.

Despite taking up minimal real estate, headers are the most heavily engaged-with element on a website. Businesses looking to leave an impression will strive to strike a perfect balance—of providing an easy and intuitive yet unique and stimulating experience.

In this post we’ll be sharing 24 website header examples while breaking down:

Exactly what a website header is

What to include in your website header

Best practices to optimize for conversion

This way, you can provide a solid user experience while also supporting your marketing goals.

What is a website header?

A website header is a visual typographic strip or menu that typically runs across the top of a website. It contains a number of clickable components, like a logo, navigational tags, login buttons, and more. Virtually all websites—even the most basic websites—feature a header on their homepage, and many have variations of the header on the rest of their pages.

Here’s a very basic, instantly-recognizable website header:

As alluded to above, website headers have a dual responsibility:

Navigation. First and foremost, they need to be able to effectively guide site visitors to other pages on the website.

Marketing. When designed right, a header can (and should) be a marketing asset and promotional vehicle for your business.

What should a website header include?

Below you’ll find a number of elements that can appear in a website header. But it’s important to note that not every header will feature all of these. It all depends on your industry, business type, and website format. Furthermore, a header may change depending on which page you’re on within the same site. For example, the homepage header may feature 5-6 clickable elements, whereas on the resources page, the header might include fewer clickable icons.


With very few exceptions, all variations of a website’s headers will prominently feature the company logo which, when clicked on, brings the user back to the homepage. If they get lost, they can always count on it to direct them back to familiar territory.

Navigational links

This is also core to any website header. Typically you’ll want to keep your main navigation options to between 5-7 elements, but which pages you link to will vary depending on your niche. For some businesses, the navigation menu links to the about us page, product or services page, pricing page, resources page, and contact us page. For others, it’s to the careers page or first-time patients page. It all depends on the industry.

Most SaaS and tech website headers look something like this:

Product gives visitors an in-depth view of the various features or product types.

Solutions leads visitors to a page/hub where they can see how the company’s platform can be leveraged in different scenarios, or see different packages.

Resources often contains the blog, case studies or testimonials, knowledge base, and/or whitepapers.

Pricing will lead visitors to a comprehensive page in which the platform’s various subscription packages are displayed. It’s worth noting that some SaaS platforms shy away from making their pricing packages public. This is especially true in regards to enterprise solutions that are customized and lack a uniform pricing structure.

Search bar

In the earlier days of the internet, search bars were far more pervasive and heavily used than they are today. You’ll know a search bar when you see it, with most sites using a magnifying glass icon to indicate the element’s function.

You’re more likely to find a search bar on a blog menu header than on the homepage header. Still, some sites feature it on their homepage header. Brightcove, a leading video hosting platform, interestingly enough features a search bar but doesn’t feature the more common pricing element.

Shopping cart

A staple of ecommerce websites, this CTA should be on the top right and either a shopping cart or shopping bag icon.

Social media buttons

Though these are more commonly displayed in a website’s footer, some website headers include links to social channels. Here’s an example:

Login field

Any website that has a login option should include the login field in its header as well. If you’re an active customer, you’ll have a user and password that you can punch in to gain access. Most major platforms offer you the option of gaining access via your Google account, as well.


One thing you’ll notice in almost all of the examples in this post is that the header contains a call to action. As this is the most heavily used element on a website, you’ll want to take advantage of that to help support your business goals. This could be to use a free tool, sign up for something, contact the business, start a free trial, and more.

Website header examples & trends

Though they have just a few components, there are a ton of ways to configure your website header. Let’s look at even more website examples to give you ideas and inspiration.

Single-line header with left-aligned logo

Basic but effective, Zoho has just four clickable navigation elements plus a search bar. Notice also how Zoho opted for right alignment. This accentuates the logo, giving it more room to draw visitors’ attention.

Single-line header with a notification bar

While the header itself is pretty ordinary, the banner on top is meant to draw attention to something new, important, and/or exciting. Elementor used this recently to announce that it now offers cloud hosting for WordPress.

SE Ranking is currently using its notification bar to promote support for Ukraine:

These banners will, of course, include a CTA. Once clicked on, visitors will be directed to a designated landing page detailing the offer in the banner.

Two-tiered header

A two-tiered header can help present more navigational options without overwhelming visitors with one continuous line of icons.

Two -tiered hHeader with notification bar

Amplitude added a notification bar above its double-tiered header to promote its upcoming conference. The notification bar is equal in length to the header, making it feel less cluttered and more like a separate section of the site.

Header with a utility bar (sticky bar)

Some sites affix the header so that it sticks with visitors as they scroll down the page. Their rationale is simple: Provide your visitors with the option of navigating to any part of your website at any time.

This header sticks with you all the way to the bottom of the site.

Floating header

As seen on Mixpanel’s homepage, a floating header is similar to a sticky bar, the difference being that when you scroll down, you see the webpage below and above the header, thus creating a floating effect.

Header with mega menu

Some websites can’t afford to be scarce with the information they share in their headers. In those cases, using a mega menu can prove very useful.

Header with multi-site navigation

Usually seen on retail and ecommerce websites, multi-navigational headers allow for users to easily jump from one sister company’s site to another.

Left-aligned vertical header

The first of the non-traditional header examples, you’ll find many of the same navigation menu items hanging vertically to the left.

Right-aligned vertical header

Same concept but this time aligned vertically on the right. These guys took it a step further by having each menu item hang vertically, as well.

Hamburger slide-in

Less common but nonetheless engaging, hamburger menus are a nice demonstration of sleek web design. The background goes dark as the menu slides in, helping draw visitors’ attention to the clickable options.

Here’s the same thing, just on the other side:

Full takeover slide-in

You can get really bold and have the menu extend over the entire screen, like Vimeo does:

Website header best practices

Use color contrast. At bare minimum, there should be a ratio of 4.5:1 between your headers’ background color and your chosen font. This goes for the header along with any secondary information included around it. You may also want to darken the background of a page once the header menu is displayed to make it more focused.

Include a CTA. We mentioned this above but it’s worth mentioning again. Whether it’s to contact your business, try a free tool, start a trial,

Make it sticky. Some websites easily wow you with their design and dynamic scrollytelling, but ultimately, most websites have one clear objective: Conversions. You have about 15 seconds to offer visitors value before they bounce, so you need to make it as easy as possible for visitors to navigate to important pages, at all times. Not to mention see that all-important CTA at all times.

Make it intuitive. Before selecting one for your own website, examine competitors and other sites in your niche to see what is most common. Website navigation is not an area where you should strive to be unique or “disruptive.”

Optimize for mobile. Unless you go with a font size only visible under microscope, a horizontal header is not an option on mobile. The most common approach is to configure a hamburger menu for mobile browsing.

It’s worth noting that if you need it, you don’t have to lose the search bar or even the CTA button when optimizing for mobile. Here’s how Hubspot does it:

Stick with simple fonts. Legibility is everything when it comes to UX (and as it turns out, copywriting psychology too), and it is doubly important when it comes to your site’s most foundational clickable element. Sans Serif font is common for website header text as it’s highly legible.

Good thing Lemonade did not use its logo font for its header font.

Website headers: A delicate artform

Coming in a variety of shapes and sizes, website headers are critical to your site’s success. Whether you choose to go for a more traditional design or something a bit more experimental, it’s important you adhere to universal best practices. It’s quite oblivious when a website has aced the header element. Visitors to your site will come away having been provided a succinct yet stimulating navigational experience. Very often, this is instrumental in leading them towards your ultimate business goal; be it landing on specific pages or actually converting into paying customers.

About the author

Yoni Yampolsky is a Marketing Manager for Elementor. With more than 10 million active users, Elementor empowers just about anyone to create stunning WordPress websites, code-free.

The post 24 Website Header Examples, Trends & Tips for Conversion appeared first on WordStream.


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Review: How GMass Makes Email Marketing a Cinch for Small Businesses

Small business owners stand to benefit from the fast and easy-to-use features provided by the bulk email service GMass.

Email marketing has been around for a long time. However, there is always some new software program that purports to have revolutionized the market.

Though these statements are often untrue, tech has seriously progressed in recent years. We took a look at GMass—a bulk email service—to review just how far these services have come over the years and why email marketing is such a powerful tool for small business owners.

GMass: The Bottom Line

For this mass email service, speed is a major priority.

When it comes to sending bulk emails, services in the past have been hitting all of the wrong points. What GMass gets right is speed.

Since sending messages is all about the metrics, the more quickly you can design a message, execute a mail merge, and throttle your messages, the better.

Speed is the keyword when it comes to mass emails.

That’s why GMass lives up to the hype. You’ll be getting better results, higher open rates, and ultimately a greater brand awareness for your small business thanks to the unmatched speed. Not only that, but GMass also allows for sophisticated email flows that will keep your audience engaged.

To better understand the advantages and disadvantages of using GMass as your mass email service, we’re taking an in-depth look at exactly how it works, what it takes to set up an email campaign using the tool, and some of the key features. Read on to learn more!

What is GMass?

Find out how GMass was created and became the powerful mass email marketing service it is today.

GMass was created in 2015 by Ajay Goel. Dissatisfied with all of the other mass email services currently on the market, Goel decided to create a new mass email plugin that eliminates the weak spots in other services. He often found that sending mass emails was overly complicated and took far too long.

His solution would be a lightweight email plugin that can send messages faster than any other service. With user-friendliness as another key point that Goel wanted to highlight, GMass prioritized simplicity. Since 2015, GMass has exploded in popularity and has become one of the most widely used mass email marketing services on the market.

That’s why we’re taking a closer look at the plugin to see if it really does live up to the hype. Keep reading to find out the pros and cons of using GMass to send bulk emails.

GMass: Features, Pros, and Cons

Discover how GMass works and whether or not it is the right mass email service for your business.

GMass presents a competitive set of features.

To get started, though, we have to establish what exactly GMass does and what it does not do.

First of all, GMass is an extension that plugs directly into Gmail. Since not every business uses Gmail to send bulk emails, some won’t be able to benefit from the features of the plugin.

Secondly, GMass is a service that sends emails—not a prospecting service. Before you can start using GMass to send your messages, you need to establish an organized address list. So, as long as you are ready to send messages via Gmail and have a list of addresses ready to go, you can use GMass to start sending mass emails.

Now that we know how GMass is used, let’s dive into some of the specific elements of the plugin and how it compares to other similar services on the market.


As we just mentioned, Goel designed GMass with simplicity in mind. The GMass interface is incredibly simple and easy to use—even for people who are brand new to email marketing. That means that there is no barrier to entry to using the plugin, making it the perfect option for small businesses that do not have a dedicated email marketing team.

When you install GMass, you will discover that there is a red GMass button that appears next to the blue “Send” button when you open a new message. When you click on the arrow next to the GMass button you are greeted with a few key features such as personalization and tracking. These options are easily accessible and intuitive to operate, though the interface does look a bit out-of-date.

However, this is not an issue that affects the ability to send mass emails, so it’s not too big of a concern on our end. Our main takeaway is that the plugin is easy to access within your Gmail account and that the interface is simple and intuitive, as advertised.

Message Personalization

One of the biggest concerns when it comes to mass emailing is personalization. The easier it is to personalize large amounts of bulk emails, the better. So, how does GMass hold up to the competition? Once again, where GMass excels is with simplicity and speed.

To send personalized emails using GMass, you have to start with your address list in a Google Sheet. Once your addresses are organized and all of the information is input into the custom categories, you can start using the plugin to designate personalized elements of your messages.

As you navigate through the interface, you’ll notice that there is a button that resembles a spreadsheet. This button allows you to automatically input the information from your address list into your personalized messages. All you have to do is select the “Connect Spreadsheet” option and the email addresses and other information automatically populate.

Correctly Navigating the “Send” Button

One slightly tricky element to using GMass as your mass email marketing service is the send button.

As mentioned, there is a red GMass button. It appears as a part of the plugin right next to the blue send button. When you are using GMass to send bulk emails, your normal send button is rendered useless. Should you accidentally send a message using the blue button, your messages may not be personalized correctly. Additionally, your recipients will be able to see all of the other addresses receiving the message.

Luckily, if you are sending more than 20 emails at a time, the regular send button disappears. This prevents you from sending hundreds of glitchy messages.

Though it is easy to remember not to use the regular send button, it is also easy to mistakenly send out your messages using the wrong button. Since you can’t un-send messages, this is an important point to keep in mind while using GMass—especially if you are sending fewer than 20 messages.

Preventing Message Errors

If you are sending mass emails, you are likely sending more than just a handful of messages. For most email marketers, sending out hundreds of messages at once is fairly commonplace.

When using GMass to send out your messages, you need to adjust some settings to make sure that you don’t accidentally send out incomplete or incorrect messages to your audience. After all, one mistake when sending mass emails can cause people to unsubscribe or report your message as spam. To avoid a disastrous campaign, we recommend taking these steps in the GMass plugin:

Click on the arrow next to the red GMass button.

Select the elements of personalization you want to include in your message. The different elements auto-populate based on your address list. This is a great feature as you don’t have to remember exactly what you called your different categories.

Test your message. This is possibly the most important step in the whole process of sending mass emails. If you don’t test your message, you could end up sending out hundreds of error-filled messages to your audience.

Review your test email. You might find that you missed a few things. It’s always easier to see issues in a message rather than in the compose window.

Draft Feature Cuts Down on Mistakes

Another way that you can prevent errors in your messages is by saving your campaign as a draft. To save your campaign as a draft in GMass simply select the “Save as Draft” option in the section of the interface labeled “Action.”

After you’ve selected to save your campaign as a draft, GMass creates the messages so you can review them individually. Sometimes errors in campaigns only occur in certain messages, so if you have run into problems with personalization, we definitely recommend reviewing your campaign as a draft.

Compared to other mass email services, checking through the drafts is a bit cumbersome. Since it is so easy to make mistakes when sending out mass emails, it would be convenient if the plugin was able to display a message as it appears to a recipient before you can hit send. However, unlike a lot of other services, GMass is integrated into Gmail, meaning that it can only use features existing in Gmail. This is limiting in some aspects. However, on the whole, the plugin does a good job of working around the limitations imposed by Gmail.

Tracking and Reporting

One of the best parts about using GMass as your mass email service is the built-in tracking features. Tracking and reporting are essential features of any mass email service—it also just happens to be the key to running successful future campaigns.

To access tracking features in GMass, all you have to do is click on the arrow next to the GMass button to pull up the email settings. Next to the “Track” options in the window, you’ll see options to track both opens and clicks. As your audience interacts with your message, the tracking feature in GMass automatically updates. You can even stipulate that the data collected from tracking updates automatically in your address list.

This is a very useful feature to assess active vs. inactive addresses on your list. For example, if there is an address that has not opened one of your messages for the last few campaigns, you’ll be able to tell just by pulling up your address list. As you make changes to the address list, you can slowly eliminate addresses that are inactive to make room for active recipients.

Campaign Reports

Accessing your campaign reports when using GMass as your mass emails service is also super simple. Where your sent and draft folders are located on the left-hand side of your Gmail account, you’ll find a new folder titled “GMass Reports” in your account.

GMass automatically categorizes these reports by the campaign. They display all of the most important metrics you need to see as an email marketer. You can also easily download the report as a CSV file and upload the information into a Google Sheet or Excel spreadsheet to display to stakeholders or your email marketing team.

As far as easy tracking and reporting are concerned, it doesn’t get much easier, faster, or more intuitive than with GMass.

Message Deliverability

If you are sending out messages to your audience, you need to make sure they are being delivered. This is especially important for novice marketers or people starting small businesses.

Using GMass as a mass email service, it is easy to avoid exceeding your daily send limit so you can preserve your email sender reputation. GMass also makes the bold claim that their mass email service can get you the highest possible delivery rate of any of the mass email tools currently available. Therefore, we wanted to pay extra attention to how exactly GMass lives up to this lofty claim!

GMass can get users a high deliverability rate and help marketers avoid the spam folder by using a dedicated tracking domain.

A tracking domain keeps a record of your history of sending emails. As you send emails, the number of opens and clicks you get are all cataloged in the tracking domain. If you accidentally exceed the daily send limit or are sending messages that look like spam, your tracking domain will garner a bad reputation according to Gmail.

To overcome this and get your campaign to as close to 100% deliverability as possible, GMass can assign you a new tracking domain. All you have to do is send a request to GMass for a custom tracking domain, and boom! Your deliverability rate just increased!

Scheduling and Throttling

Another key feature of GMass that increases deliverability is the scheduling and email throttling. As we’ve discussed, there is a daily send limit imposed by Gmail that you have to follow otherwise you risk your address reputation. Thankfully, GMass has features that allow you to work around the send limit including message scheduling and throttling.

To schedule a message in GMass, all you have to do is click on the arrow next to the GMass button and look for the “Schedule” option. Then, you can schedule your campaign to be sent automatically at a strategic time to appeal to your audience.

If you want to send more than a few hundred emails at a time, you have to schedule them 24 hours apart from each other to avoid damaging your sender reputation. But, when you use GMass, the mass email service will automatically throttle your messages. When you use GMass you no longer have to worry about sending too many messages at once. GMass will automatically schedule them 24 hours apart without your input.

We found that these features combined do result in a very high deliverability rate. So, if deliverability is a major concern for your next campaign, GMass is an excellent option as a mass email service.

Email Flows

In addition to a high deliverability rate, GMass also offers automated services for email flows. An email flow is a series of emails sent out to a recipient with an intended action in mind. These messages work to take your audience from the top of the funnel to the bottom.

That is to say, email flows are a series of messages designed and ordered to produce a conversion.

We tried out the automatic follow-up option in GMass to see how it can produce effortless email flows. Guess what? It worked like a charm.

The automatic follow-up feature is definitely something that sets GMass apart from the competition. Using automatic follow-ups you can save time and send out more messages than ever before. Remember we said that GMass is all about speed—this is where the speed of the plugin is most clearly demonstrated.

Using GMass, you can easily write follow-up messages and schedule them in response to certain actions taken by your recipient. For example, if a recipient doesn’t open your message, GMass can automatically schedule a follow-up until you receive a response. (Be careful with this feature, though, as sending too many follow-ups can land you in the spam folder.)

The Verdict

Does GMass make email marketing faster and easier than other mass email services?

Now that we’ve explored the main features of GMass, what did we learn?

Is GMass the right tool for your company?

As far as mass email services go, GMass is one of the best. There isn’t much focus on the design of the interface and there are some limitations under the Gmail integrations. However, we can easily overlook these drawbacks in favor of the impressive and fast sending capabilities.

If you are looking for a plugin for sending mass emails, GMass is certainly one of the better options. GMass currently offers a limited free option and premium packages starting at $19.95/month.

Image Credit: Brett Jordan;

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Wednesday 27 April 2022

The Top 12 Blockchain Speakers for 2022

What’s happening in the blockchain industry this year? How will Bitcoin react to the return of inflation? What can cryptocurrencies offer banking? And what is the future for NFTs and the Metaverse?

All these questions — and more — will determine the future of Web 3.0, and some people seem to have a solid grip on the answers.

Here are twelve speakers who are proficient at bringing understanding of Blockchain to this new world and to the masses.

Joel Comm

Joel Comm is the co-host of The Bad Crypto Podcast, a show that’s been informing and entertaining both crypto curious and crypto serious people for five years. Perhaps the first podcast to cover the NFT space in late 2017, together with his partner, Travis Wright, he’s minted more than 1.5 million NFTs. As an Internet pioneer, seasoned keynote speaker and advisor to fortune 500 companies, Joel has a knack for making seemingly complex subject matter easy to understand. Combined with his unique sense of humor, Comm makes his audiences feel like they understand the subject matter better.

Natalie Brunell

Natalie Brunell is an Emmy Award-winning veteran TV news journalist who also teaches at the University of Southern California. Natalie Brunell is host of Coin Stories, a Bitcoin podcast, and has been active in the blockchain industry since 2017. Her reporting background brings critical and pragmatic eye to the blockchain industry.

Simon Taylor

Simon Taylor is the Co-Founder and Blockchain Practice Lead at 11:FS, a fintech consultancy. He used to lead blockchain research and development for Barclays and helped the bank to perform the first live trade finance transaction over a blockchain for a real customer. He’s now the co-host of podcasts Fintech Insider and Blockchain Insider.

Kristin Smith

Kristin Smith is the Executive Director of the Blockchain Association, a trade group that represents some of the biggest players in the Blockchain industry. She understands how legislators see the blockchain and cryptocurrencies, where their concerns lie, and how they plan to regulate the industry in the future.

Marc Blinder

Marc Blinder is the co-founder and CEO of AIKON, a company that is trying to help businesses use public blockchains. He was also the founder of EMEA, which he sold to Adobe for $400m. The future of blockchain will depend on non-specialist businesses understanding both its advantages and the best ways to make use of the technology. Marc Blinder explains what they need to know.

Lizzy Fallon

While most blockchain speakers come from the industry and have hands-on knowledge of the technology and its development, Lizzy Fallon has a unique insight into the legislative side of the business. She’s a legislative assistant in the House of Representatives where she works on the Financial Services Committee with a special focus on fintech and blockchain regulations. She also participates in the bipartisan Blockchain Caucus.

Andre De Castro

Andre De Castro comes from the world of software engineering but specializes in fintech. He’s guided Fortune 500 clients through the development of complex systems and into the world of cryptocurrencies. Much of the future of the blockchain industry will depend on the willingness of large corporations to invest in the technology and use the blockchain to build their businesses. Andre De Castro understands what’s holding them back and they need to do overcome their fears.

Josh Rosenthal

Josh Rosenthal is a historian specializing in the Renaissance and Reformation periods. If that sounds like an odd starting point for a blockchain speaker, it’s worth remembering that both those periods were times of radical change and new ideas. Rosenthal is now a founder and partner of the 6ixth Event, a crypto-first founders’ fund, which looks at how communities use decentralized technology. He’s an expert in the change that the blockchain industry will bring.

Joshua Scigala

Joshua Scigala is the co-founder of, a decentralized finance infrastructure project. He helps people generate their own stable cryptocurrencies using asset-backed loans without intermediaries. He’s also the CIO of Vaultoro, a service that enables users to exchange their cryptocurrencies for silver or gold. That puts Scigala at the heart of blockchain technology, battling to bring stability to assets best known for their high rates of volatility.

Andreas M. Antonopoulos

Andreas M. Antonopoulos is the author of Mastering Bitcoin, considered one of the best technical guides to Bitcoin, and The Internet of Money, a book about the ideas behind Bitcoin. Antonopoulos also the host of the Let’s Talk Bitcoin podcast. That gives Antonopoulos an understanding of both the technology that underpins the blockchain, its strengths and its challenges, and the reason that overcoming those challenges is so important.

Eryka Gemma

Eryka Gemma is a leader of Miami’s blockchain scene, one of the world’s leading centers of blockchain development. She’s the CEO of the Bitcoin Center Miami where she leads the center’s educational programs. She’s also a pilot who once tried to tokenize a fleet of aircraft using blockchain technology. The development of the blockchain industry will take place in those areas with the greatest understanding of the technology and its advantages. Eryka Gemma’s experience in Miami shows how one region is grappling with the opportunity.

Patrick Schwerdtfeger

Patrick Schwerdtfeger is the founder of Trend Mastery and the host of the Strategic Business Insights video blog which has almost 30,000 subscribers and more than five million views on YouTube. He’s the author of Anarchy, Inc.: Profiting in a Decentralized World with Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain and has written a number of books on marketing and speaking. His expertise sits at the sweet spot where business development and the blockchain meet, and he uses his talks to guide corporations through the opportunities offered by the new Web.

The post The Top 12 Blockchain Speakers for 2022 appeared first on ReadWrite.


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Digital Transformation in Supply Chain Management

In order to achieve a competitive edge in today’s global marketplace, businesses can use digital transformation in supply chain management to maximize efficiency, increase quality and consistency, and better serve their customers. In addition, it guarantees that the supply chain will become more flexible and adopt efficient business models soon.

Undoubtedly, manual and paper-based processes can be automated by converting analog to digital forms. The supply chain will undergo a massive transformation over five to ten years. In today’s supply chains, marketing, product development, distribution, and customer service are separate and distinct.

Role of Digital Transformation Companies

Today, various digital transformation companies transform the world, tearing down barriers and establishing a fully integrated ecosystem entirely upfront to all people involved. Supply chain management, analytics, robots, and even 3D printing will be critical components of this ecosystem and several other digital technologies.

Further, the rapid digitization of supply chains will increase efficiencies in developing new economic models and revenue streams. However, offering digital transformation services in supply chain management can be complex, but this article will explain everything about it. Let’s get started! Shall we?

About Digital Supply Chain

A supply chain is a network of people, businesses, resources, operations, and technology that work together to make and sell a product, from the supplier who sends the raw materials to the manufacturer to the person who buys the product. During Supply Chain Management, documents or invoices that two people exchange for goods or services are digitalized when shared between them.

When it comes to digitizing the supply chain, there are a lot of tools that can help make it easier and more efficient. The main objective of the digitalization of the supply chain is to enable greater productivity and profitability. And digital supply chain transformation allows companies to move resources, people, and assets to where they are necessary at any provided time, reducing costs by anticipating and responding to transportation and manufacturing risks.

How does Digital Transformation play a role in Supply Chain Management?

The following are vital digital transformation roles in supply chain management:

1. Enable a demand-driven supply chain

Digital systems enable demand-driven supply chain management. Various digital transformation companies can use real-time sales data from digital technology to adjust the supply chain to meet the demand for specific products better, allowing them to speed up the production of top-selling items while cutting costs on underperforming ones.

2. Become more proactive in our approach

Without a doubt, one of its most significant advantages is the ability of the company to begin to think ahead and move more forward. Besides focusing solely on the past, the company’s efficiency and performance can be improved by adopting the opposite approach.

3. Reducing markdowns and stockouts

For companies to have the right product mix and attract customers, they need to optimize lead times and respond to consumer demand. Sales are lost because of price reductions, which eat away at profits dollar for dollar and shortages of products.

4. Use of data visualization

Every day, a massive amount of data becomes available, as you’re probably aware. As a result, many companies cannot effectively handle and organize this data. Using data visualization, you can easily see what is going on in your company’s various departments in a way that is easy to understand. Using this data, you can pinpoint areas that need improvement and become more efficient.

5. Improve cash flow and cost management.

Digitizing your supply chain management processes has the critical benefit of reducing the amount of capital invested in the supply chain as it moves faster.

6. Increase the level of clients satisfaction

A company’s primary objective is to ensure that its clients are satisfied with the products or services they receive. As a result, you’ll better serve your customers with a digital supply chain. And supply chain changes can be made more quickly; your customers will be happier because you will deliver exactly what they want and need faster.

Digital Supply Chain Management Trends

Supply Chain Management uses sensors, robotics, big data, Internet-of-Things technologies, and the chain as a whole to achieve consumer attraction through automated processes. In addition to speeding up the process, it also allows for greater adaptability, efficiency, and precision in the supply chain.

Following are the few most prominent trends:

1. The Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies

Things connected to the internet are known as “Internet of Things” or IoT technologies. The Internet of Things (IoT) makes it possible to identify and track products in warehouses and stores, monitor delivery performance, and regulate and measure facility temperature and relative humidity. RFID (radio-frequency identification) and GPS (global positioning system) are examples of technologies used to monitor and analyze inventory, cargo, and vehicles.

2. Blockchain

For the past few years, the term “blockchain” has become associated with cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. In the end, it’s a helpful tool for securely transferring paper and digital documents, such as ledgers, collective bargaining agreements, and quality diplomas. Documents relating to freight can generate every step of the supply chain. Because each transaction records its own block, a complete history of all transactions can be traced back to a single point in time.


Robotics is being used in the retail and logistics industries to reduce the time it takes to get goods from one place to another. They’re known as inventory robots and can work in warehouses. Usually, they can take inventory from the shelf and either repackage or move it around. Deliveries can be made by drones or driverless cars. In addition, customer service robots are also available in stores to assist the customer and respond to their queries.

4. Cloud Framework

Expenditures on cloud computing expect to reach a high peak as various sectors of the economy continue to embrace more effective solutions. Solutions for supply chains, cloud-based infrastructures, and cloud-based systems are used in supply chain management. Fortunately, supply chain management is becoming more efficient thanks to cloud-based storage, analysis, inventory tracking, and monitoring solutions.

5. Utilizing big data and advanced analytics

Many valuable insights generate throughout the supply chain, from inventory planning through manufacturing and sales. Most of the time, the information gathered is used in making decisions. These include sales forecasting, inventory control, and operational optimization.

Final Verdict

By embracing digital transformation today, an organization can keep up with changing customer demands—an organization’s ability to compete in an ever-changing economic landscape enhanced by digital transformation. As a result, any company, nonprofit, or institution hoping to thrive in the future must undergo digital transformation. Businesses that refuse to undertake digital transformation will eventually go out of business.

Undoubtedly, the supply chain will grow and develop in the future, promoting innovation, competition, and customer service. Companies must keep improving inventory and asset management by using automated warehouses in a competitive market. Therefore, a rise in revenue is almost unavoidable as long as companies continue to pour money into innovation.

The post Digital Transformation in Supply Chain Management appeared first on ReadWrite.


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Agency to Agency: How We Doubled in Size During COVID (and the Measures We Needed to Manage Agency’s Growth)

The pandemic didn’t really change how we do things on a day-to-day level. However, it did bring an additional layer of uncertainty on a strategic level—new risks and new opportunities to watch out for. This is a story of how we successfully managed the former while grabbing the latter.

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Streaming Stocks Alert: Why Are NFLX, DIS, PARA, WBD, ROKU Stocks Down Today?

Netflix reported that its subscriber base had dropped in Q1

Several streaming stocks are sinking in morning trading after Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) reported that its subscriber total had dropped in the first quarter. Specifically, Netflix’s subscriber base fell by 200,000 in Q1, making it the first quarter in more than 10 years in which the company’s net customer total declined. Analysts previously had estimated that Netflix added 2.5 million paid customers in the quarter.

NFLX stock is tumbling 31% to $240 on the news, setting a new 52-week low for shares.

Among the other streaming stocks dropping this morning are Roku (NASDAQ:ROKU), which is sliding 4%, Disney (NYSE:DIS), which is giving back 4.2%, and Paramount (NASDAQ:PARA), retreating 7.6%. Also down is Warner Bros. Discovery (NASDAQ:WBD), which is dropping 5.4%. The latter company was recently created from a merger between Warner Bros. and Discovery after AT&T (NYSE:T) spun off Warner Bros.

What Is Happening With Streaming Stocks

Netflix predicted that its subscriber base would drop by an additional 2 million in Q2. The company indicated that it may soon take steps to prevent its customers from sharing their Netflix passwords with other consumers who do not subscribe to the service. Such a move would likely increase Netflix’s subscriber base.

CEO Reed Hastings also said that Netflix was “open” to creating a cheaper subscription option “with advertising.”

On the top line, Netflix’s Q1 revenue came in at $7.87 billion, just $70 million below analysts’ average estimate. On a positive note, the company reported earnings per share of $3.53, well above the mean estimate of $2.91. Moreover, it generated net cash from operations of $923 million.

Responding to the results, JPMorgan Chase lowered its rating on the shares to “neutral” and slashed its price target on NFLX stock to $300 from $605. The company conceded that it was dealing with “relatively high household penetration when including account sharing, increased competition, & COVID pull-forward giving way to fundamental weakness,” JPMorgan reported.

Image Credit: Aleks Magnusson; Pexels; Thank you!

Published First on InvestorPlace. Read Here.

The post Streaming Stocks Alert: Why Are NFLX, DIS, PARA, WBD, ROKU Stocks Down Today? appeared first on ReadWrite.


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