Friday 31 December 2021

What is a Brand Image and How Do You Measure it?

Brand image is a lot of things, depending on who you ask. It’s the primary identification of a company — true. It’s the way a company connects with its audience — also true. It’s the logo that marks products produced by the brand — well, now you’re oversimplifying.

As a matter of fact, brand image is about a lot more than just the literal images and visuals that are tied to a company. While those visuals play a part in the definition of brand image, the image itself transcends pure visuals.

Let’s get into it.

Defining a Brand Image

Whether you’re setting the branding vision for your new startup or revising products/goals/themes/connections/etc. for an established brand, the connection between your company and your audience is vital. That connection is all about your brand image.

While it’s tempting to solely identify brand image as the visuals that accompany your branding efforts (after all, it’s right there in the name), brand image is made up of many more components than simply the visual aspect. And all of those components play a part in the success of your brand, fueled by audience perception and customer loyalty.

Brand image is professionally identified by Forbes writer Solomon Thimony, for example, as the “mix of the associations consumers make based on every interaction they have with your business.” In short, every single point of communication or connection between your company and your customer coalesces into the overall brand image.

That makes it pretty easy to see why it’s more than just a question of your logo or your advertising campaigns, but that doesn’t mean that details such as those can just be sidelined.

What Goes into a Brand Image

Brand image is a matter of compilation. The more that goes into it, the more accurate the image can be.

So every detail that an entrepreneur adds into their brand image, all across the internet, feeds back into that image.

Theoretically, a brand image can be made up of ever-changing, ever-adapting connections, just like the interactions between two people. But in practical terms, it’s important to have a clear idea of just what deserves attention in order to build a good brand image. Otherwise, you might miss out on an opportunity to further contribute to your brand image, which in turn will boost your connection with your audience and brand loyalty.

Visuals — this is an easy place to start, especially since the word “image” is right there in “brand image.” Visuals are what most people commonly associate with the concept of branding, and good visuals are a tangible goal. The color palette that you select, the types of graphics that you choose, the choice of whether to use a free logo maker software or work with a professional graphic designer — everything plays a part in how your audience views your brand, whether or not they choose to interact with it, and how the interaction plays out.

Advertising — we’ve all seen the poorly-done advertising that leaves us shaking our heads or wondering why they even bothered. Bad advertising leaves a bad taste in the audience’s mouth, and impacts whether they choose to follow through on interacting with the brand. Good, innovative advertising, on the other hand, can favorably influence the viewer.

Clarity of messaging — in both the branded visuals and the advertising, as well as through social media and official websites, clarity of messaging is important. Messaging includes the promises that are made by the brand, and the brand’s ability to follow through. If a viewer isn’t entirely sure what your brand is all about, what the goals, services or products are offered, or whether they’re even the right audience for those services and products, the messaging is muddled and so is the brand image.

Customer service — this is an easy avenue to overlook, but it pays dividends when handled well. In terms of how well a brand is viewed, more than 70 percent of consumers declare their love for a brand because of excellent customer service, and almost as many would choose not to go back to a brand because of poor customer service. One-on-one customer service is one of the most effective ways to create a fantastic brand image.

Ease of contact — the lack of contact can have a debilitating effect on brand image. While it might seem easier from the brand’s point of view to simply cut off complaints at the source, all it does is cause greater frustration in the customer when they can’t even discuss any potential problems with brand representatives. I personally have written off more than one brand after getting the run-around from them on their website or social media.

Public relations — this is an excellent opportunity for a brand to take charge of its own image. Getting out into the community and sponsoring or participating in events is a clear demonstration of the values held by the company. And almost 90 percent of consumers will choose to remain loyal to a brand that they view as sharing their own values — a statistic that vividly illustrates the importance of brand image in company growth and success.

Follow-up — a specific point of customer service that deserves attention deeper in the customer-brand relationship. Follow-up isn’t just about ensuring that consumers are pleased with their purchases. It’s also about figuring out why they might have been displeased or disappointed. Why viewers who never became buyers chose not to. And why those who clicked out of a website haven’t come back. Follow-up demonstrates the continued interest of a brand, and we all like it when someone is interested in what we think and feel.

Brand Image — the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Ultimately, brand image is problematic for brands, no matter what they do — and this is because there is no way to guarantee 100 percent control. To a certain extent, brand image depends on the individual who interacts with the brand. You may choose your visuals, products, customer service, outreach, demonstration of values, and follow-up carefully, designing it to appeal to everyone — but there will always be outliers.

You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time, and that’s the main reason for continually laboring under a brand image.

Measuring the success of your brand image isn’t going to be a matter of ensuring that every single customer is entirely happy. There simply isn’t a way to ensure that, and a lot of time and effort will be wasted in chasing the 100 percent standard.

For each individual brand, setting an acceptable standard in effective and accurate brand image is a vital part of creating a brand growth strategy that makes the most of brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. Including all the elements listed above gives entrepreneurs the best chance of continued success now and in the future.

Feature image: Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

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Looking back at Yoast in 2021

What a year it has been! Big things have happened within Yoast the company as well as in our Yoast SEO plugin. In this post, I look back at a wonderfully exciting 2021! In addition, I have asked Thijs de Valk – our brand new CEO – all kinds of questions to shine his light on 2021 as well. Care to join us?

The biggest thing of 2021: Yoast joins Newfold

The biggest thing happening in 2021 was the fact that Yoast joined Newfold Digital. In August of this year, the shareholders of Yoast sold their stock to Newfold Digital. And, while we’re no longer the owners of the best company in the world, we’re still really happy and excited to work here.

I asked Thijs how the company is doing, half a year after the acquisition. ‘We’re in the middle of our integration in Newfold,’ Thijs explains. ‘We’ve moved all of our tooling from Google Drive to Microsoft Office. That was a big thing internally. Apart from that, we’re pretty much doing all the things we did before the acquisition. Except that we now have more time to focus on our product.’

The board of Yoast with Sharon Rowlands – CEO of Newfold Digital

Changes within Yoast – the company

It was a weird year. At the beginning of 2021, we were positive that this would be the year in which we would beat COVID. However, the situation in the Netherlands now is not that good. We’re in lockdown light again. We’re working from home. Yoast was always a company in which a lot of people worked from our local offices. We now have become a hybrid company. Some people work from home, others work at the office, most people prefer a combination of both.

‘We’ve hired a lot of new colleagues this year,’ says Thijs. ‘Some awesome new developers, we expanded our support team and we hired some new marketeers. I am especially proud of our Business Intelligence team. I think we finally have a state-of-the-art Business Intelligence team. And we need that, with 12 million users. ‘

Thijs also talks about expansion outside of the Netherlands. Yoast is becoming an international company: ‘We noticed, due to COVID, that working remotely is very possible. Our company culture has become more international as well. Internally, we try to do everything bilingual. We used to be very Dutch.’

Our video about hybrid working at Yoast

Changes within Yoast – the plugin

We’ve done some wonderful releases this year! At Yoast, we’re most excited about our new SEO workouts. Have you seen them? Our workouts are designed to solve specific SEO tasks that really help you to improve the SEO-friendliness of your website. They are quick, easy, and fun to do.

Thijs is also a big fan of our new workouts. ‘I especially love the cornerstone content workout. That workout helps you to choose your most important articles. And, after that, to make sure that Google also knows that those are your favorites. A lot of people tend to forget the importance of internal linking. This workout really helps you to update the internal linking structure of your site. And that’s so important for SEO.’

Check out Thijs’ favorite workout below:

This is one of the three SEO workouts we currently have in Yoast SEO

The new CEO

More big news and big changes in 2021. Marieke (that’s me by the way) decided to step down as CEO. I wanted to focus more on marketing and less on the corporate things that tend to become your day-to-day job when you’re leading the company. Luckily, Thijs de Valk was up and ready to take over the role of CEO.

‘I am really happy with the new role,’ Thijs says when I congratulate him (again) on his new job. ‘It’s an honor to lead such a great company. And these are exciting times. Integrating into Newfold is both scary and exhilarating. We have so many new things lined up for next year. I can’t wait for 2022 to start.’

Thijs de Valk became the new CEO of Yoast!

Conferences, WordCamps, webinars and workshops

2021 was a year with a lot of online conferences and WordCamps. We’ve visited so many events and met a lot of nice people from all over the world. In 2021 we also did a lot of webinars and online workshops at Yoast. Those were a big success. Remember our awesome Yoast summer school in which we did a number of really cool online workshops? And we’re not slowing down, we’re planning on doing more webinars and online workshops in 2022!

Online conferences were the thing of 2021

We held a few different workshops during Yoast SEO Summer School

What about next year?

2022 is just around the corner. Thijs is ready for it: ‘I can’t wait for 2022. We have some really awesome things lined up… three exciting things in January! And that’s only the beginning!’

2021 was a great year for Yoast. And we’re ready to go and make 2022 just as awesome. If only this COVID-thing would disappear. We hope you all have a great 2022 too! And please: stay healthy and stay safe.

Read more: SEO in 2022: Your chance to shine! »

The post Looking back at Yoast in 2021 appeared first on Yoast.


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Thursday 30 December 2021

17 Actionable Content Marketing Tips for 2022

Fret not. Here’s a list of 17 tips that’ll improve your content marketing and help you get more visitors, leads, and sales: Know who you’re creating content for Target topics with search traffic potential Tackle competitors’ best-performing topics Prioritize topics…

Read more ›


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9 Ways Your Digital Agency Can Save Money in 2022

How can a business save money in 2022? We’ve come up with nine ways to cut costs and help save money so you have a prosperous year. Learn more!

from Semrush blog

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Tuesday 28 December 2021

Managed vs. Unmanaged VPS Hosting – What Are the Differences?

Providing your website with solid foundations, like the ability to withstand traffic surges, is just one of the reasons why hosting is one of the most important facets of any web-based business. Therefore, you need to consider your choice of web hosting service carefully.

There are many aspects to selecting a web hosting service. The first thing you need to decide is the type of web hosting you want to use (shared, VPS, cloud, dedicated), and then you need to choose a provider. Lastly, you need to decide whether you want to manage your hosting service yourself or whether you want the provider to handle things for you.

VPS Hosting

Let’s imagine that you decided to go with VPS hosting for your website. VPS stands for Virtual Private Server, and its name refers to the fact that the hosting provider divides a physical server into multiple “virtual” servers. VPS hosting is advantageous for a number of reasons. For instance, it has more resource allocation when compared to shared hosting. With shared hosting, all websites on a server share in the processing power of that server. As a result, if any single website on the server experiences a surge in traffic, the performance of every other site on the server will be affected. By contrast, VPS hosting gives each website on the serve a specific amount of computing power. As a result, websites that use VPS hosting won’t be affected by the traffic levels of any other sites on the shared physical server. Furthermore, because of this resource allocation, websites that use VPS hosting also load faster.

When you choose VPS hosting, you have the option to have it managed for you by the hosting provider, or you can manage it yourself. These options are known as Managed and Unmanaged VPS hosting.

Managed Hosting

The hosting plans that providers offer consist of several elements, the most basic of which is the server hardware. This server generally has an operating system and a variety of software necessary for running websites.

Additionally, hosting companies may offer many different services such as automated backups, status monitoring, security sweeps, malware scanning and removal, and more.

The additional features are what’s known as management services. This is where the “managed” part of the term “managed hosting” comes in. Therefore, managed hosting simply refers to a hosting plan containing various additional benefits or services. Furthermore, instead of implementing these features and services yourself, the host will do it for you. This not only makes things simpler since you don’t need to be a technical expert, but a managed VPS hosting plan also saves you time, allowing you to focus on running and growing your website.

Services Included in Managed VPS Hosting

The precise services you’ll receive with managed VPS hosting vary depending on the hosting provider you choose. However, there are a few services that most companies typically offer.

● Automated Backups

Your website data can disappear for any number of reasons, but regardless of its reason for disappearing, you’re going to want to get it back as quickly as possible. This is where automated backups come in. Automated backups ensure that there’s always a copy of your website available, so you can restore it quickly if something goes wrong.

● Performance Monitoring

By monitoring the performance of your site, you can be alerted to disaster before it strikes. For example, your host may notify you if you’re close to using up all your available resources (such as memory). With this warning, you’ll have enough time to upgrade your resources before your website goes down or becomes so slow that you lose potential visitors.

● Automatic Software Updates

Core software programs like PHP, Apache, MySQL, and others will sometimes need to be updated to ensure that they have the latest security patches. Fortunately, your host will keep track of any updates that need doing and do them for you.

● Security, Malware Scanning, and Removal

Server security needs to be a top priority for website owners. Fortunately, security and malware scanning can identify any issues, and removal/cleanup services can eliminate them.

Unmanaged Hosting

Unmanaged VPS hosting is a VPS hosting plan that has no or very few additional services. For example, with this hosting plan, your server may have nothing but an operating system installed. As a result, you’ll need to install all necessary software on your own.

Furthermore, the hosting company won’t provide any services or carry out management tasks on your server. Therefore, if you want something done, you’ll be the one who has to do it.

However, there are a few reasons why you might want to choose unmanaged VPS hosting over managed VPS hosting:

You want to learn more about server management and are interested in tinkering with the server independently.

You want to save money.

Your website requires special handling at the server level.

You have the necessary skills and time to manage the server on your own.


The main difference between managed and unmanaged VPS hosting is that the former gives you additional services which the hosting provider manages and the latter does not. Deciding which one to use will depend on your technical experience, the needs of your website, your budget, and how much time you have to spend managing the server. For example, if you don’t know anything about servers and would rather spend time developing and growing your website, then managed VPS hosting is the choice for you. However, if you prefer to handle things yourself and save money, you should go with unmanaged hosting.

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Monday 27 December 2021

Is Facial Recognition on Your Phone a Good Choice?

Facial recognition is on the rise with cell phones, adding another method of security for everyday devices. Using biometric analysis, the technology uses facial mapping to unlock the device, comparing it to known faces within the database (that you establish upon setup). The market is expected to exceed $7.7 billion by 2022, with many personal and commercial applications. While facial recognition can help confirm an individual’s identity, it does raise privacy concerns too.

How Facial Recognition Works

Although individual technologies will vary, the basic concepts are the same. Initially, a baseline image is taken of the user’s face. The software will identify the basic geometry of the face, including the distance between your eyes, spacing between forehead to chin, and any distinguishing facial landmarks. Your face is saved within the system as a mathematical formula. When you enable facial recognition, the phone analyzes your facial features against the formula on file. If it matches, the phone unlocks. Some devices will record anyone attempting to unlock the phone, storing it on the cloud (for Apple devices) or the system settings (Android).

Benefits of Facial Recognition

Arguably the most significant benefit of facial recognition is the ease of use. Users don’t have to remember passwords or pins; they simply have to scan their faces to access the device. For users who simply want a layer of protection on the device, facial recognition offers complex protection patterns against unauthorized access. Complex codes and passwords are difficult to remember, while weak passwords or codes can make hacking attempts easier for malicious use.

Security Issues with Facial Recognition Software

Unfortunately, with changes in technology comes vulnerabilities with software. Previous studies by the University of Toronto highlight significant shortcomings of facial recognition software. One example includes the inability to recognize faces with only slight modifications to pixels at the corner of the eye. It also found that 42 out of 110 devices were unlocked with only photographs of the device owner. Additional reports of opening while the owner was asleep have also been documented. These findings suggest phone security measures can be bypassed, even when the owner isn’t conscious or aware of the unlocking.

Issues of Intent with Unlocking

When it comes to phone usage, a level of intent needs to be assumed. For instance, users unlocking the phone with a password or pin are making deliberate intentions to open. That is, they want access to the device at that specific time. With facial recognition, the phone unlocks any time the user has the phone in front of them. It also suggests that phones can be unlocked forcefully, providing access by turning the device on the owner.

For example, if a controlling partner wants access to the cell phone, owners cannot prevent access when the partner shoves the phone in their face. It also suggests that unauthorized access could occur with photographs, videos, or while sleeping. Bypassing the software appears to work through phone display. For example, two phones facing each other can trigger the unlocking functionality; this includes photos posted on social media or videos taken on another device.

Issues with intent also extend into recognition capacity. Many users have experienced issues among siblings that closely resemble each other. Identical twins, for example, can unlock each other’s phones, accessing sensitive information effortlessly.

Issues with Compromised Accounts

Your cellphone holds sensitive, personal information. Consider everything you do from your phone; social media, emails, text messages, contacts, photos, videos, and financial accounts. With unauthorized access to your phone, the damage could be irreparable. Most financial accounts are attached to cellphones, giving thieves instant access to your credit and debit cards. Your email likely holds bill statements, contact information, addresses, and account numbers.

If your phone has been compromised, it’s essential to run a background check on yourself. Background checks offer a current assessment of your financial accounts, employment details, bills and utilities, and personal details. You’ll also want to contact your credit card companies, banking institutions, and any significant utilities to let them know of the compromise.

How to Verify Your Information

Identity theft occurs quickly, with many people acting on the opportunity. This can include opening new accounts in your name (and never intending to pay for them), draining financial accounts, establishing new utilities or cell phone accounts, or taking hold of your personal information for malicious use. Look for any new charges on file, especially if you haven’t opened anything recently. Contact your cell phone provider, too; they can lock the device remotely and block the cell phone from future use. Additionally, most providers will deactivate the SIM card attached to the phone.

Is Facial Recognition Worth Doing?

Users currently have five different options when it comes to cell phone security. Leaving the phone unlocked fails to protect the device from unauthorized access. It will provide easy access to the home screen but will not protect against theft. A pattern lock offers a simple pattern for unlocking, typically using nine or 12 buttons. The phone is locked unless the sequence is completed. This is one of the weaker options for cell phone protection but is more secure than the unlocked phone. A PIN lock option requires users to enter a four (or more) digit numerical code into the lock screen to unlock the device. Although a PIN does offer moderate protection against malice, it can be hacked.

More secure than the PIN function is facial recognition. With the unique biomarkers, the security of the device is higher than a traditional numerical PIN. Unfortunately, the previous vulnerabilities need to be assessed before use (unintentional unlocking, using photos or videos to open the home screen, and potential access while sleeping with some devices). The password functionality is the most secure locking function on the cellphone. It can contain alphanumeric codes with a minimum of four characters. Passwords may be challenging to remember, which may prove problematic for a device not regularly used.

It’s important to remember that two-step verification (using multiple password protections in sequence) on cellphones isn’t available. Users will have to establish the unlock method that works best for them.

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How Cloud and AI Are Creating Unprecedented Opportunities for Forward-Thinking Enterprises

Enterprise cloud adoption has been accelerating for years, as more companies have utilized software-as-a-service models to process increasingly large data sets.

Now, leading businesses are learning that cloud can do more than process data; it can drive business and revenue growth.

In particular, ongoing advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning are creating new opportunities for businesses to harness the power of their data, with cloud providing the tools necessary to seize them.

Overcoming Early Struggles

As early as 2015, many companies built large on-premises data lakes in their initial attempt to realize the promise of “big data.” These centralized repositories of information, stored in a variety of formats, often became data graveyards, as many companies lacked the computing resources that early AI technologies needed to derive meaningful insights. For example, graph processing for images alone was prohibitively expensive.

In those days, cloud AI platforms hadn’t yet matured enough to motivate businesses to move data-intensive ML projects to a cloud environment. The well-documented potential of big data seemed frozen in time. Fortunately, this was only temporary.

Expanding What’s Possible

More recently, the advent of cloud-native data warehouses like snowflakes, knowledge graphs, and other technologies have allowed enterprises to model data structures that are scalable in terms of both storage and performance.

Major cloud computing providers now offer suites of products that include model development, hosting, and machine learning operationalizations (MLOps), such as Amazon’s AWS SageMaker, released in 2017.

Additionally, cloud vendors have also provided APIs for NLP (e.g., Textract), prediction (Amazon Forecast), and computer vision (Rekognition) that are pre-trained and can be easily integrated into modern applications.

Follow the Leader

Research from Wipro FullStride Cloud Services shows that cloud leaders will continue to expand their computing power during the next several years, with a focus on 5G, edge computing, and grid computing technologies. Amid these investments, leaders are pairing key technologies with cloud, most notably AI. There are many reasons for this strategic decision.

The ever-expanding universe of cloud AI tools has allowed product teams to dramatically reduce development costs and time to market, creating new possibilities for innovative companies.

Adoption of these technologies shouldn’t be undertaken haphazardly.

At Wipro, we’ve found that companies seeking to migrate AI projects to cloud environments can adhere to several best practices to improve their odds of achieving optimal outcomes.

Bringing AI to the Cloud

Among other approaches, Wipro relies on E-IQ (enterprise intelligence quotient), a framework that assigns an intelligence quotient to a given business process, revealing possible AI use cases in the context of five pillars: sense, decide, act, interact, and adapt.

This benchmarking exercise can also help companies establish a road map for preparing projects for the cloud using an agile AI delivery model and reference architecture.

Once the use cases and supporting technical artifacts are identified, a bring-your-own-model approach can accelerate model migration into the optimal compute for endpoints on AWS SageMaker and other associated APIs.

Twice as Nice

To ensure that models don’t show “staleness” or “drift,” a robust MLOps framework guides onboarding and governance, allowing for compute optimization and the periodic recalibration of models during labeling when using AWS Ground Truth.

AI can be particularly helpful in highly regulated industries like financial services, which increasingly rely on complex models to inform their decision-making as regulators impose ever-more-stringent validation requirements.

Utilizing a smart approach to model testing and validation can ensure that internal model-validation teams can effectively inventory their models, saving time and ensuring regulatory compliance in the process.

A Glimpse of the Future

These cloud investments are illuminating many impactful use cases for combining AI with cloud. By leveraging a dynamic duo of AI and cloud, enterprises are equipping themselves to achieve a multitude of objectives, including:

New revenue streams: One healthcare institution that moved data associated with ML models to the cloud was able to not only optimize costs, but also monetize model predictions. In this case, customers included research institutions who were able to bypass the data collection and aggregation processes needed to build their own models and instead purchase the outcomes directly from the data source to expedite their research. The fees they paid covered the model development costs incurred by the healthcare institution.

Enhanced customer experiences: Cloud-based AI technologies can drive better customer experiences for all kinds of companies, from cab services to e-commerce stores. In the case of the former, a cab car display equipped with an AI-powered recommendation engine can show passengers personalized offers based on their destinations or movie recommendations constructed via cloud knowledge graphs.

Shaping strategic outcomes: With the help of AI in the cloud, a CFO can infuse intelligence sourced from both internal and external data into the financial planning process to recommend initiatives for increasing revenue. Similarly, a CMO can identify strategies for optimizing marketing spend across a range of product categories to maximize ROI.
For executives relying solely on data sourced from general ledger/enterprise resource planning systems, this level of insight simply isn’t possible.

Hyperautomation: Cloud AI platforms can enable smart automation to dramatically improve efficiencies related to any number of internal business processes. For instance, a mobile app that makes API calls to Textract can extract information from documentation stored in the cloud to transform HR onboarding and can reduce the time it takes to complete administrative tasks from days to minutes.

Enterprises that are deploying AI in the cloud have already realized all of the above outcomes and many others.

As advancements in cloud computing and AI/ML continue to unfold, the synergistic combination of these two technologies will continue to yield significant competitive advantages for innovative companies.

These competitive advantages will increasingly separate category leaders from the rest of the field.

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Friday 24 December 2021

The 3 Types of Customer Feedback Surveys You Need Right Now

Ever wonder what your customers feel about your product? More importantly, do you care? A lot of brands will respond with a resounding yes, but several of them end up taking no action to find out what’s going on. And, it’s not their fault, really! Collecting honest feedback is nothing short of an art form. Something marketers and brand managers need to strategize for.

If you aren’t indulging in the practice of fervently collecting customer feedback, how will you observe shifting market preferences and figure out what your target audience wants? Without listening to what customers have to say about your offering, there is no way you can modify or improve your product or service. So, maybe

But, you can’t just reach out to each client asking for their detailed opinion. Why? For starters, customers are busy people with limited time to provide their valuable feedback. Secondly, a non-standardized way of taking feedback would leave you with an overwhelming data mountain you will fail to scale. So, there is a method to the feedback madness where you divide customer opinions into four categories. And, here it is!

3 Effective Customer Feedback Surveys with Templates

Before we begin, know that customers don’t like writing scrolls of feedback, so you need to create short and sweet surveys that are quick to fill. You can then email these feedback collection surveys to customers soon after the purchase.

However, here you run the risk of buyers leaving your email unopened. So, make sure you write compelling subject lines that contain “power” words. Once you’ve given them a reason to open your email, make sure it contains an embedded feedback form within the body. They shouldn’t have to click on a link to go to another page for sharing their feedback.

Here are the 3 most popular customer feedback forms you should deploy at varied intervals over emails or on landing pages. The intention behind all 3 is to capture different reactions – all of which help you make your offering more saleable.

1. CSAT or Customer Satisfaction Survey

No organization can thrive without this staple feedback form. Calculating your CSAT score is the quickest way to figure out whether your customers like your offering or not. During their email marketing campaigns, marketers share these forms with customers right after they complete a sale. A CSAT survey usually runs on a scale of 1 to 5 or 10 points, with 5 being great and 1 being poor.

Here is a simple yet effective template that takes only a few clicks from your customer’s end, and you receive fairly detailed feedback. Now you can also design a CSAT template in such a way that you receive a few qualitative inputs along with a simple yes or no. For instance, check out the following CSAT survey template.

Why does this CSAT feedback template work?

This template requests an overall experience rating and also asks customers to rate aspects like taste, service speed, staff dealing, and cleanliness through graphics. Any diner will happily fill this feedback form as they can clearly see; it will only take a few seconds to do so.

As for the restaurant owner, information arising from a CSAT survey like this is easily quantifiable. They can also compare Year-on-Year (YoY) averages and figure out the areas that need improvement. Lastly, this template provides information on some of the most critical aspects of Subway’s business.

2. CES or Customer Effort Score Survey

Engaging with a brand is a holistic activity. It’s not just about buying a product; it is also about the experience of purchasing it. Suppose your customer bought your offering once but had a painful time going through the purchase cycle. In such a case, the likeliness of repeat business goes down manifold. But, you can avoid this by asking your customers about the ease of doing business with you with the help of a CES survey.

Here is a simple yet effective template that lets you measure a customer’s buying experience with your brand.


Why does this CES feedback template work?

It offers a one-question survey, requesting customers to rate their experience shopping with you. They can choose between 1 and 5 stars, and that’s all you need to figure out whether you made their buyer journey worthwhile or not. Most clients would rate their experience with you through this survey, and why not! It only takes a second.

Make sure to place a CES feedback form right after they finish a purchase cycle. You can also integrate one when planning your email marketing campaign. Towards the end of the campaign, once the sale has taken place, send them an email with a relatively longer feedback form for more detailed comments.

3. NPS or Net Promoter Score Survey

Nothing works better than when old customers bring in new buyers. If your business achieves this level of loyalty, consider your customers your fans. And, the way to find out if they indeed are, is by floating an NPS survey. This feedback form tells you how likely buyers are to recommend your product or brand to other leads. Responses from this survey tell you whether your brand is tapping into a sort of word-of-mouth marketing network or not.

Look at this slightly detailed NPS survey template. You can use only the 1 to 10 scale part for quicker responses. But, if you want a more nuanced reply, the rest of the questions are vital.


Why does this NPS feedback template work?

Firstly, even though this survey asks more than one question, it is a light fill for the customer. It also provides a number value which you can compare with last year’s data. You can access a buyer’s online or offline purchase experience and also get an opening for a testimonial. So, here is a tiny template that speaks volumes in terms of customer feedback.

The Bottom Line

Even though all these templates invite different types of feedback from customers, here are a few common things to keep in mind while etching out your feedback form.

Grab attention by keeping things short and sweet. Remember, it only takes 8 seconds for an individual to get distracted.

If you’re sending a feedback form over email, write a compelling subject line.

Add graphics or images instead of using too much text.

Minimize the number of question fields.

Equipped with the right customer feedback form, you can perfect your offerings and also the entire brand experience, which keeps buyers coming back for more.

The post The 3 Types of Customer Feedback Surveys You Need Right Now appeared first on ReadWrite.


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Thursday 23 December 2021

5 Reminders About Creativity From The Beatles: Get Back

The Beatles: Get Back documentary sparked CMI’s creative director to turn to the keyboard (the one with letters, not the one with 88 keys). Here are the five lessons for content creators he took away from the almost nine-hour documentary. Continue reading →

The post 5 Reminders About Creativity From The Beatles: Get Back appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.


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Is Open Source Software the Inevitable Future?

Open-source software has already proven its potential for improving accessibility, connecting developers together, and reducing costs. Proponents of open source have a long list of benefits they can use to persuade you, and even the naysayers are willing to acknowledge the advantages.

But is open source destined to be our future? Can we even envision an era in which open source software is the typical standard?

A Briefer on Open-Source Software and its Inevitable Future

Let’s start with a briefer on open-source software. Open source is, for the most part, true to its namesake. An engineer or a team of engineers develops an open-source tool or resource that intend to make it free and publicly accessible.

Individuals or companies can use the software for any purpose. Additionally, a team of contributors can voluntarily optimize the software to make it better, make their own versions of the software, or create new apps with that software as the basis.

Anything can be open source, from project management platforms to conversational AI. As long as it’s declared to be open source, complete projects and swaths of code can be readily exchanged and used.

The Advantages of Open Source

There are many advantages of open source, including:

Lower costs for users. Open source is totally free for users, which is the most notable and obvious advantage. Your company can pay $100 per month per user for a CRM platform created by a major brand, or you can use a very similar open-source platform entirely for free. Which do you prefer? Cost is only one variable, but it’s a significant one – and if you can save hundreds to thousands of dollars by switching to an open-source version of your most essential platforms, you’ll be motivated to do so.

Nearly unlimited potential. It has almost limitless potential because open source is the subject of constant attention, scrutiny, and ongoing tinkering. Any developer, including the project leads, corporate teams, and amateur solo developers, can tweak the backend, redesign elements, or even rebuild the entire platform from scratch. As a result, any platform could eventually transform into something much, much better.

Mutual transparency. Open source provides mutual transparency. The code for the software is readily available and can be reviewed by anyone at any time. New improvements and changes can be similarly reviewed (if the contributors are willing to share them). This open transparency makes it easy to find flaws, bugs, and other issues – and can give you the certainty that the product you’re using is everything you need it to be.

Community support. Open-source projects also tend to attract significant community support. Popular open source apps typically have entire communities of passionate developers who want to keep the project alive and continue improving it at the same time. If you run into an issue or if you have a question about how the app works or a potential problem you’ve found, you can likely post on a forum and get an answer from an experienced developer who has worked on this in the past.

Ongoing advancement. Because there’s always a thriving community of people contributing to the project, open-source apps often experience continuing advancement. The bugs are fixed, issues are resolved, and the core functionality grows to become more robust. If you’re using the software and updating it as necessary, you’ll get to enjoy all the new benefits as they become available.

Decentralization. Decentralization is another critical advantage of open source. Instead of being contingent on the direction of a single leader or even a single team, the community shapes how the app develops. When a large pool of individuals work on a project, it’s great for creative idea generation and genuine innovation.

The Disadvantages of Open Source

However, there are also some disadvantages:

Lack of direction. Open source projects are often dreamt up as a side project, then handed over to an entire distributed team of coders and visionaries. The decentralization of this type of project can be an advantage, but it can also be a weakness. If the project doesn’t have much direction or if it suffers from lousy leadership, it could quickly fizzle out.

Time requirements. If you want to use an open-source platform for your business, you’re going to have to spend some time getting it up to speed. That might mean breaking it open to see how it works, redesigning it to fit your needs, or just learning it inside and out. In any case, it often takes more time than simply buying an existing platform.

Limited profitability for creators. Software developers are motivated by many things, but money is one of the most common motivations. Unfortunately, creating open-source software is never profitable (unless you figure in career opportunities). This makes it difficult to persuade new developers to start their own open-source projects.

Potential security vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, some open-source software could also pose security liabilities. The transparent nature of the backend code allows people to discover security flaws and patch them. Still, if a cybercriminal discovers those flaws first, they could easily take advantage of a large population of users. The threat is exacerbated because open-source software is often implemented with many dependencies, leading to a complex and easily exploited network.

No accountability. Nobody in charge means nobody is accountable for the performance of the software. If you pay a subscription for a piece of software and it stops working correctly, you can contact customer service or even escalate the situation to take legal action. However, if your open-source software stops working, you have nothing (other than some community support).

No guaranteed support. If you do end up with an issue with the open-source software, your best path forward is to contact the community and ask for help. Unfortunately, these community members are not required to help you – and you never get may never get answers to your most pressing questions.

What’s Stopping Open Source from Taking Off?

If the balance of open source’s advantages and disadvantages made it universally beneficial, we would expect it to have an even wider reach than it currently has.

So what’s stopping open-source from taking off?

These are some of the influential factors:

Profit incentives. One of the obvious limiting factors here is the profitability potential of open-source software. When companies and individuals are incentivized to create software that generates revenue, open-source immediately becomes a much lower priority. People are drawn to the work that pays the most.

Voluntary nature. Open-source software is always a totally voluntary project. If no one wants to create new apps, or if no one wants to improve the existing apps, nothing will get done. The whole system relies on intrinsic motivation – and the altruism of participants.

Talent distribution. The most talented developers in the world often want to work with big teams at prestigious firms or make lots of money. Unfortunately, this creates a talent shortage for open-source developers.

Persistent attitudes. Even though the advantages are impressive, some people have negative associations with open-source software. They may feel like it’s cheap and therefore useless, or they may feel like all open source platforms are merely the product of amateur developers. Anyone familiar with open source knows that these attitudes are irrational and ungrounded, but it’s still challenging to launch a cultural change that allows them to evolve.

Despite some of these limiting factors, open-source remains a popular approach – and it will likely become even more popular in the near future. We may even see it grow to eclipse the dominant for-profit models of other software companies.

However, because of its limitations and because of persistent negative connotations of the software, it may be decades before it’s a dominant form of programming – if it ever gets there.

Image Credi: Hebert Santos; Pexels; Thank you!

The post Is Open Source Software the Inevitable Future? appeared first on ReadWrite.


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Wednesday 22 December 2021

10 Content Marketing Articles Readers (Like You) Loved This Year

If you didn't get a chance to read all 249-plus posts from Content Marketing Institute this year, here are the 10 most popular. You can read all of them in 139 minutes (or take just four minutes to read the first one). Continue reading →

The post 10 Content Marketing Articles Readers (Like You) Loved This Year appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.


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How to Use Outreach for Link Building

Outreach can be a challenging part of link building. We‘ll share some of our best tips for backlink outreach.

from Semrush blog

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How to Do a Competitor Analysis with Semrush (Including Template)

Competitor analysis (also known as competitive analysis) is the process of evaluating your competitor’s strengths and weaknesses. In this guide, we show you how to do it and provide a template to help you stay organized.

from Semrush blog

In this blog you will find out about SEO news, tools and tips from different SEO companies and experts, which will helps you to grow your business.

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What is SEO? The 2022 Guide to Search Engine Optimization

Own a business and want to learn more about SEO? Learn all about the ins and outs of content production, technical fixes, link building, and more in our 2022 SEO guide.

from Semrush blog

In this blog you will find out about SEO news, tools and tips from different SEO companies and experts, which will helps you to grow your business.

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Monday 20 December 2021

131 [NOT Overused!] New Year’s Instagram Captions & Templates

Search on Google for New Year’s Instagram captions and what do you get? The same exact 70 or 80 captions in every list…captions best suited for trendy 20-somethings, like Any excuse to wear sequins! Captions not applicable to your business, like Just here for the champagne. Or captions that have been beaten down to a pulp, like New year, new—

I can’t even finish typing that one.

This is why I’ve set out to provide you with a list of versatile, creative New Year’s Instagram captions you won’t find anywhere else. So read on to enter your oasis in a desert of “Just here to find my Troy Bolton”s and “Sip sip hooray”s.

New Year’s Instagram caption prompts

Here are some New Year’s-related Instagram caption prompts and templates to get the gears turning.

Now if this isn’t the best first [something you’re doing] of the year, then i don’t know what is.

A year ago today I was…

[Specific number] days ago, I was…

If I keep my resolution this year, I will be [adjective, verb, feeling emotion] in exactly [430] hours and I can’t WAIT.

525,600 minutes. I plan to spend X of them [doing X].

2021 cleanout:
Toss: [insert emotions, mistakes, etc.]
Keep: [emotions, lessons, ideas]
Store: [memories]

If last year was the year of [insert something here], then this year will be a year of…

May you keep your stars on the eyes this year…

Don’t miss our free and readymade New Year’s social media images. You can post as is or customize in Canva!

Engaging New Year’s Instagram captions

The best time to post on Instagram is when you have something that your followers are likely to comment on, like, or share. The most engaging posts are the ones with questions and invitations to your followers. Consider these:

If you could do one thing again from the year, what would it be?

If you had to pick one day to repeat itself next year, what would it be?

Your book. 2022. Page one of 365. What’s your opening sentence?

What’s your first [activity related to your niche] of 2022 going to be?

Before we get into the new, let’s talk about the old! Your 2021 resolution. Did you achieve it? Pivot it? Drop the ball? Learn from it? Talk to me.

If I had to pick five emojis to describe this past year, they’d be [insert emojis here]. What about you?

Dig through your camera roll, share your faves. Tag #customhashtag

What’s the best advice you received this year?

What were your three biggest accomplishments of the year?

Last workout of the year. What was yours?

NON “New Year new you” Instagram captions

Guys. There are so many words that rhyme with new and year, you can have a field day with this one.

Cool hair. New do?

New year. overdue.

New year, new ‘tude.

New gear, new shoes!

New beer, you choose!

New year, old news!

New year, who dis

New year, new flair.

New career, new views.

New year? You choose.

New year. Wahoo!

New year. Renew.

New year, same crew. Wouldnt have it any other way.

True gear, true you.

New year, new fear.

New year, new gear.

New year, more clear

New year, new—no.

I’m actually happy with who I am, thank you.

Looking for more authentic captions? Try our 78 [also not overused] Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas Instagram captions.

Nostalgic New Year’s Instagram captions

While everyone else is talking about the new year, take a trip on back to the past year via your camera roll and post the gems you find. Polish them off with captions like…

Looking back on the past and feeling grateful.

Here’s to making more memories like this.

Where were you this time last year?

365 days later…

How am I just finding this in my camera roll?

I can’t believe I never shared this one…

It feels like this happened yesterday.

No regrets…even on days like this

It was days like this (share good day photo) that kept me going through days like this (share bad day photo).

Wouldn’t have made it through the year without this guy/gal/pet/friend/coffee cup.

Spent 365 days straight with this [favorite object, loved person, useful tool, pet].

One-word New Year’s Instagram captions

Sometimes, the photo says it all. Do you have (or can you create) any worthy image candidates for any of these one-word captions?








Do it









Witty/funny New Year’s captions

You can find some hilarious Instagram captions here as well.

Is it 2022? Or 2020 part two…

Start packin’, 2021.

Headed into the new year like

Walking into 2022 like

New Year’s resolution: Exercise (my right to eat) more ([favorite food here])

Exercise (my right to wear) more (sweatpants)

Something relatable…

Who said you can’t use your Twitter captions on Insta?

Fun New Year’s Instagram captions

Here are a few more ways to come up with something authentic in your New Year’s Instagram posts.

Song lyrics

Share some song lyrics that sum up your year, or that caption one of your photos from your New Year’s celebration, or that give you inspiration for next year.

I still haven’t found what I’m looking for

​​Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

Are you ready hey are you ready for this? Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?


Share one or more of your superlatives from the year and ask your followers to comment with theirs.

Longest workout

Best meal

Favorite day

Biggest achievement

Best day

Biggest surprise

Figurative language

Take a trip back to English class and see what you come up with.

Rhyming: 21’s done, the best is yet to come

Alliteration: Here’s to a tenacious, triumphant, and take-charge start to 2022.

Personification: And just like that, 2021 snuck out, never to return again.

Goodbye 2021 New Year’s Instagram captions

When in doubt, you can always bid the year adieu with your Instagram caption…

Fare thee well

Stay classy

Catch you on the flip

It has been emotional, bye

2021 is makin’ like a bakery truck and haulin’ buns

Peace out girl scout


2021 is off like a dirty shirt

Happy trails

You’re fired

Once more unto the breach, dear friends

Parting is such sweet sorrow



Don’t call us, we’ll call you

See ya never

Bye forever, 2021.

RELATED: 43+ Creative January Marketing Ideas to Start the Year with a Bang

Hello 2022 New Year Instagram captions captions

On the flip side, give the new year a fun little greeting.

Nice to meet you, 2022

Welcome aboard, 2022

Oh, no no no come on in! We were just finishing 2021…

I’m ready for you, 2022.

This one’s gonna be good.

Inspirational New Year’s Instagram captions

We’ll get to the inspiration quote captions next, but for this section, think about how you can inspire your followers with messages related to your business niche or values.

Don’t share a new year resolution, share a January resolution and encourage your followers to do the same.

One new year. 12 new chapters to grow. 365 new opportunities to act.

We did it! [Share last year’s resolution and share useful takeaways/tips that helped you stay on track].

The first day sets the tone for the year. Here’s how I’m starting mine.

Do something you’ve never done before today and change the course of your entire year.

Announce winners for your company core values awards and why they won them.

Share a tip or idea that will come to fruition next New Year’s Eve.

Looking for caption inspiration, not inspirational captions? Here are 80+ Instagram Caption Ideas for Any Business.

New Year’s quote Instagram captions

As promised…

“The beginning is the most important part of the work.” —Plato

What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t even happened yet.” —Anne Frank

“If you focus on what you’ve left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead.” —Ratatouille

“You’ll never get bored when you try something new. There’s really no limit to what you can do.” —Dr. Seuss

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” —C.S. Lewis

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” —Abraham Lincoln

“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.” —Brad Paisley

“The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.” —Melody Beattie

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” — George Eliot

Every year you make a resolution to change yourself. This year, make a resolution to be yourself.

New Year’s fun fact captions

Why not share an interesting fact? If you’re a fun fact nerd or just want to share something different, here are some to consider.

Robert Burns didn’t really write “Auld Lang Syne.” He took a Scottish folk song called “Old Long Syne” and put his own spin on it.

Did you know that time balls were invented IN 1833 to help sailors coordinate their navigation equipment?

From 1904-1907, New Year’s Eve in Times Square was celebrated with fireworks. They introduced a ball in1907 as safer bet since embers were falling on the crowd.

Over 200,000 people attended the first NYE in Times Square (to celebrate the opening of the NYT building). Today, at least one million people attend.

During WWII (1942 & 1943), New Year’s Eve was observed with a moment of silence at midnight.

The Times Square ball used to weigh 700 lbs, then dropped 300 lbs with an aluminum base, and is now a whopping11,875 lbs.

Waterford comes up with a new ball pattern every year, using its 2,688 crystal triangles and over 32,000 lights. And it names each design.

At midnight in Pennsylvania, Hershey drops a giant kiss, Mechanicsburg drops a giant wrench, and Dillsburg drops a giant Pickle.

360 million glasses of champagne are consumed on New Year’s Eve.

Corks can fly out of a champagne bottle at 25mph.

January comes from the Latin word “ianua,” which means door, to symbolize the opening of a new door.

2,000 lbs of confetti are dropped at midnight in Times Square.

Wishfetti began in 2015, where anyone can put a wish on official Times Square confetti that gets dropped.

Hopefully, this post has equipped you with some creative ideas for your December and January social media posts. Happy New Year!

The post 131 [NOT Overused!] New Year’s Instagram Captions & Templates appeared first on WordStream.


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4 Virtual Networking Tips for Salespeople

A few years ago, virtual networking wasn’t even a concept and now people are searching out virtual networking tips and applying them daily. The world of sales has sure changed drastically in a matter of months and our ways of interacting with customers and peers have too.

In the sales industry, we all typically look forward to attending sales conferences, trade shows, and events. Historically these types of events were often at large halls filled with other sales professionals looking to make their mark, network, and grow their business by making in-person connections.

Fast forward to the global pandemic hitting, and all sales events and conferences switched to virtual formats and now they are often hybrid—with an option to attend either virtually or in-person. Now, sales reps have been left to figure out how to translate the in-person repertoire they know and love to the virtual and hybrid realm.

At first glance, one would think that because of the landscape change to virtual events and conferences, there’s no longer the opportunity to connect and network with potential customers since our physical booths, where that historically happened, are gone. Well, think again!

We sat down with Gillan Wyatt, Sales Development Rep (SDR) at Vidyard and Courtney Christie, former SDR at Vidyard, to discuss the industry changes and learn about their journey from networking at in-person conferences to the switch to virtual events. Both Courtney and Gillian have been trailblazing virtual networking at sales events by using video as much as possible, and boy, have they seen results!

Watch and Learn

Want to learn about virtual networking at events? We made a video version of this blog so you can do precisely that!

Take 4 minutes and join Vidyard’s Social Media Manager Charlie Rogers as he discusses pro tips for making the most of virtual networking at events.


1.The Shift to Virtual Events and Conferences

2.Top Virtual Networking Tips for Salespeople

2.1Tip 1: Be a Part of the Event

2.2Tip 2: Commit Yourself 100%

2.3Tip 3: Use Video As Much as Possible

2.4Tip 4: Communicate with Your Teammates

3.Using Video to Follow-Up with a New Lead

4.Parting Advice from Our Virtual Networking Experts

The Shift to Virtual Events and Conferences

As conferences and networking events move over to the virtual world, attendees have had to quickly adapt and get on board. In the past, sales teams would have a booth set up at events and have the chance to interact with the passing crowd, getting to know the people who came to their booth. Now virtual events and conferences are mainly focused on the keynote and series speakers and breakout or training opportunities. Some virtual event platforms let attendees communicate in chats, but each platform varies.

“The biggest difference that people are struggling with (switching to virtual networking events), especially for booth exhibitors, is that missing factor of being able to pull people from the crowd and interact with them that way, or start organic conversations.”

Courtney ChristieVidyardFormer SDR

This change in dynamic and form for conferences has had implications for event attendees who are there to prospect. Whether in-person or virtual, prospecting is hard. A whopping 40% of sales reps say that prospecting is the most challenging part of the sales process. But fear not, because we’ve found through experience that many virtual event platforms have thought of this and have built in some great avenues for sales reps to communicate with potential prospects.

Top Virtual Networking Tips for Salespeople

Virtual networking opportunities at industry events vary from platform to platform, so don’t be afraid to get creative and take advantage of these opportunities when you can. When sales reps first start in the virtual realm, they often go at networking the same way they would have in the past—the sales team would book off time in their calendars for the events and then wait for people to come to their booth, similar to how it used to happen in person.

Virtual networking platforms still have “booths” where people can come to get in touch with you, but guarding the booth and making sure that you don’t miss any opportunity to chat with someone is no longer the go-to plan.

Learning how to build bridges and connect with people across the platform is how you’ll get the most out of your time at the virtual sales event or conference. With the help of Courtney and Gillian, we’ve rounded up these tips to help you succeed.

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Tip 1: Be a Part of the Event

Prioritize the traffic in your booth a little less, or designate a person to check in with the booth on a schedule, but for the most part, just actually be part of the event.

Go to speeches and panels because that’s where most of the engagement is happening. People are commenting in the side chats and asking questions. Engage in the community chats and take that opportunity to pop in and share your solution or strategy if people are asking questions. This is your opportunity to network in an organic way. Really take a look at what people are talking about, and if you genuinely feel you have a solution that could help them or a shared experience, then let them know.

If you see someone commenting in the community threads during a panel that you really connect with, reach out to them and start a conversation just as you would in person. Or, if you want to stay present in the event, take note of their name and reach out to them after the panel through the platform or LinkedIn after the event.

Be sure to look at people’s bios at a virtual networking event and see if they’re looking for something that aligns with what you have to offer. If they do, then record and share a personal video to say who you are and how you can help them with what they’re looking to accomplish.

Tip 2: Commit Yourself 100%

At this point, we’ve all had our fair share of zoom calls, but don’t treat a virtual sales event like a zoom call, where you can have your mic or video turned off. Commit yourself to engage with the activities or panels going on. Have your video turned on when you can and talk to people in the community threads to make as many connections as possible. Your time is valuable, so treat it as such.

If using a platform like Acelleents, they will put you in random chats with people to network with. This could make some people nervous, but if you want to commit to the activity and have fun with it, prepare a few questions ahead of time to help get the conversation going. The beauty of virtual events is that no one knows what is on your desk.

Tip 3: Use Video As Much as Possible

When attending a virtual event, you’ll be prompted to set up a bio. The bio is where you can write where you’re from, what you do, your interests, etc. But you often only get 300 characters, and that’s not much room to write everything you want people to know about you. Consider recording a quick selfie-style introduction video and posting the video in your bio because then you can explain more in a short time.

Learn from the Pros Here’s an example video that Courtney made to post in her bio when attending a virtual conference. A helpful tool within Vidyard is the notes section, where you can write your speaking points down and easily see them when recording a video.

Video doesn’t just work for your bio. Another useful way to use video is in the community threads channels. Record and share a quick video reply to capture people’s attention and stand out in the sea of text-based threads.

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Remember to embrace your authentic self. Take what you know about being in those in-person rooms and meetings and apply it. Bring your personality and what you have to the table. You don’t have to lose that to be good at virtual networking through video. You just have to use it within this new virtual environment.

“If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth more characters than a text box. By putting a video in my bio, I’m really able to engage with prospects in a quality way. They get to know me similarly to how they’re getting to know the keynote speakers. Through video, they can connect with me in a similar fashion, which helps Vidyard stand out.”

Gillian WyattVidyardSDR

Tip 4: Communicate with Your Teammates

Make sure to stay in contact with your coworkers and have a game plan going into the virtual event. If there are multiple panels or speaker series going on at once, each sign up for one. If you see a community thread chat going on that your coworker might know more about, tag them in and get the ball rolling.

Since we’re no longer doing these events in person, it’s harder to know where your teammates are in the virtual event. Use video chat or have a side chat going on so you can keep tabs on each other.

“Lately, we use a lot more video communication with my team to make sure that we’re giving the same information to prospects or qualifying leads similarly. I would say now that there’s almost more communication between us since going virtual.”

Gillian WyattVidyardSDR

Using Video to Follow-Up with a New Lead

If you’re doing cold outreach, then email is always a smart way to start. It shows you’ve taken the initiative to find the prospect’s contact information, and using email lets you keep track of everything in one place.

To make sure your email stands out from the crowd, record a personalized video to introduce yourself. Subject lines with the word “video” in them are 5x more likely to get opened and 8x more likely to get a response.

“I always tell people that it shouldn’t be about your video’s production quality because video prospecting is more casual than a professional production. We’re all working from home, we’re all adjusting, so it should be about that video’s content.”

Courtney ChristieVidyardFormer SDR

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If you’re wanting to connect with someone from a virtual networking event, it’s good to see what contact information the person has listed in their bio. Often attendees will showcase their LinkedIn account, so you know they’re looking to make connections and open to networking.

“If you’re going to connect with prospects through LinkedIn, it’s a great idea to have video content on your LinkedIn profile already. So if they’re interested in you and what you’re offering, they can quickly get a grasp of your content and what you have to offer with one click.”

Gillian WyattVidyardSDR

A solid practice to get into is to make and post a video on LinkedIn every time you go to a virtual conference. Record a quick video letting people know that you’ll be at the event, let them know what that conference is about and why you’re looking to connect with people or what you have to offer. Then if people do come to your page, you’ve already opened the door to network and connect with them.

Learn from the Pros Here’s an example video that Gillian made to post on LinkedIn before attending a virtual conference. Notice that she introduced herself, talked about panels that Vidyard would be speaking at, how to connect with her on the platform and encouraged viewers to comment on the video if they were attending too.

If you see someone at a virtual conference that you would like to connect with, be thorough and reach out both through the platform itself and through LinkedIn.

“I think it’s well worth it to send a message both through the virtual event platform AND LinkedIn. Not everyone is checking their messages while at the event. It’s also important to share your LinkedIn URL both in your bio and in community chats on the platform, so that people can reach out and invite you to join their network as well.”

Courtney ChristieVidyardFormer SDR

Parting Advice from Our Virtual Networking Experts

Courtney: I think just getting in the mentality that you’ll be in a virtual event is key. I personally love the rush of conferences. By the end of a virtual event, if I’m not exhausted like I would be at an in-person event, I feel like I haven’t done a good enough job. I go with the mentality of wanting to make an impression. I want you to know my face as well as my name. So that’s where I’ve been finding the Vidyard video tool really handy. Any time you’ve gone to make a connection request, make a video introducing yourself instead of defaulting to a text-based message. When you’re filming the video, treat it as if you’re making that first impression at an in-person event and trying to call someone over to your booth. Ultimately, you want to reach out, say your name and give them a frame of reference, because you’re trying to understand what people are hoping to get out of the event and connect in a more organic way. Anytime during the event where there’s a portion to talk in text, where someone can watch your response instead of read about it, you should make a video.

Gillian: Be sure to put a video in your bio when attending a virtual event or conference. It’s the first point of contact you have with people at these events, and if you’re looking to connect with people at a virtual event, then you should also send them a personal video. It only takes you thirty seconds to introduce yourself and say where you’re working, but it makes a lasting impression on them. If you’re attending a virtual conference on a platform with community threads, remember that they’re at a live event to watch people, they’re not there to read a webinar. No one’s going to read a huge ten-sentence paragraph about what you think about something, but they will definitely be pulled to watch a video. It makes you stand out, and it will definitely do the networking for you. A lot of people will reach out and be like, “Hey, I really loved what you were saying,” or “ I want to learn more.” where they might not have read the paragraph in the thread and made that connection.

This post was originally published on January 13, 2021. It was updated on December 20, 2021.

The post 4 Virtual Networking Tips for Salespeople appeared first on Vidyard.


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4 User-Generated Content Ideas (and Tools To Check If They Work)

It’s hard to keep the content on your social channels fresh. Luckily, your brand doesn’t have to create everything from scratch. Look to your customers, friends, influencers, and others who are and could produce user-generated content. Continue reading →

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Sunday 19 December 2021

Start-Ups Guide To Maximizing Social Media Marketing

In 2021, social media for business marketing is no longer foreign. With 4.48 billion people across various social media, if your startup business isn’t on social media, then your presence is at the base.

Let’s face it, social media is the new marketplace, a global one at that. However, just as every other forms of marketing, it requires strategic planning, proper execution and time to yield proposed results.

You may belong to the wagon of startup owners who might agree to the relevance of social media, but do not understand how to fully harness the platform for your business goals and growth. This guide is aimed at helping you to understand, get started and acing the process of marketing your startup on social media.

Benefits of Social Media For Start-Ups

As a playground of almost all demographics, social media present a lot of benefits to startups who can leverage on the large pool of audience, who are in the face of business, potential customers.

Many small business owners still feel that social media marketing is an hell of a ride, and that it is meant for more established firms. Thing is, marketing your business on social media isn’t a walk by the park, but you’ll be shooting yourself in the foot if you think it’s meant for the bigger wolves of walls streets.

Social media provides and opportunity for startups to grow and engage a close circle of audience, create a community of present and prospective customers.

There are many benefits to social media marketing, but the key benefits includes

Generates and Promotes Brand Awareness

Increase Website Traffic

Market Products and Services

1. To Generate Brand Awareness

Leveraging on the amount of people on social media only results to one of the glaring results – awareness.

The catch here is, compared to traditional marketing platforms such as Radio, magazine, TC channels, etc, it cost you little to nothing to spread information’s about your business in a timely manner, effectively and efficiently with the potentials of reaching millions of people within your business district or over the globe depending on your target market.

With more people interacting with your firm interprets to followership and awareness which in turn transform to more clients for your business, and higher conversion rates.

2. Increase in Website Traffic

Look at it this way, you got some great awareness on social media, resulting to thousands of followership, it’s easy to redirect those social media followers to your website. This will invariably, improve your inbound traffic, and helps you gain more website authority.

3. Market Product and Services –

The more active you are on social media, the more people you tend to attract every day. This results in a number of followers for your business whom you can market your products and services to.

How To Get Started With Social Media Marketing.

So, here is it. You’ve decided to go all in… That means, you need to start with the fundamentals.

Draw Up a social media Strategy

Like every successful marketing starts with a good plan, so does social media marketing require a proper digital marketing strategy. A strategic plan before launching out on these social media platforms gives you a good knowledge of how to execute your plan and a expected result.

Some of these tips should help:

Set a Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely (SMART) Social Media Goals and Objectives. For instance, you can target aim at securing more customers or raise your conversion rate, rather than just racking up likes.

Research Your Competitors on social media. Understand what they’re doing right and wrong. Adjust their strategy and use it. A competitive analysis will help you understand what’s working and what’s not within your industry.

If you’re an existing user of social media, and conflicted with not meeting with proposed plan, then it’s time to conduct a social media audit. A proper audit will help you understand what is wrong and what’s wrong. You just have to be sincere with yourself.

Create a social media calendar – that way you can plan to post the right contents to a targeted audience. You can employ the 80-20 rule, where you post informative, educative and entertaining contents 80% of the time to educate your audience, while you promote your brand and sell your products for 20% of times.

Choose a Social Media Platform Suitable for your Business

A wrong move to make at the start of your social media marketing campaign is guessing where your target audience spend their time.

For instance, if you’re targeting Gen Z, you may decide to focus your attention on Tiktok and Instagram, however, statistically, you should also consider Facebook with which as nearly a quarter of their users between 18-24.

So, the major thing here is to get to the statistics before choosing. Know your audience, and know how they spend their time, and what they they engage with.

Understand the demographics in accordance to your SMART goals and objectives. You can use different channels for differ goals, Facebook for traffic, and lead generation and perhaps, Twitter for customer relations and services.

Know Your Audience, Expand Your Reach and Establish Relationships

Just as aforementioned, to better target and meet your goals, you need to know and understand who your target audience are.

As a startup, you can start by checking into every objective, and analyzing who are most likely to use your products. Understanding that will help you know their pocket power, spending behavior and how they use their time on the internet.

Once you understand this, you can expand your reach through various media, it’s easier to reach out to them through social media ads since you already have their demographics.

Most start-ups that went on to become great firm had to build a solid relationship with their customers. Social media allows you to connect directly with your prospective clients.
Quite a number of people use social media to research brands. If you have a good relationship with your followers, your business will be easily found.

Maximize Social Media Automation Tools

Someone once told me, “Never do a job a robot can do effectively...” and I quite agree.
Considering the task around social media marketing is time consuming, you may need to learn how to use automations tools such as Buffer to schedule post on various social media channels your business exist.
You can schedule post for up to a week long, and all you have to do is answers to queries and questions posed by your followers. That way, you still time to spend on other things apart from social media marketing.

Pay Attention To Trends.

Another way to market your brand on social media is humping on social media challenges or trends. You probably have to create content relating to the trend, or just talk about it. The more you can resonate with trends, the easier it is for users to get acquainted to you.

Concluding Remarks

Social media marketing is the goldmine of marketing at the moment, and we might not see the end of it. So, what better time to get your business on social media than now.

Connect with new audience everyday,

Nurture your followers, provide value through the information you share,

Be more of a problem solver and value creator than someone stacking cheese in their lungs and you’ll see a uproar in your marketing efforts.

Best of lucks out there!!!

The post Start-Ups Guide To Maximizing Social Media Marketing appeared first on ReadWrite.


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