Friday 24 December 2021

The 3 Types of Customer Feedback Surveys You Need Right Now

Ever wonder what your customers feel about your product? More importantly, do you care? A lot of brands will respond with a resounding yes, but several of them end up taking no action to find out what’s going on. And, it’s not their fault, really! Collecting honest feedback is nothing short of an art form. Something marketers and brand managers need to strategize for.

If you aren’t indulging in the practice of fervently collecting customer feedback, how will you observe shifting market preferences and figure out what your target audience wants? Without listening to what customers have to say about your offering, there is no way you can modify or improve your product or service. So, maybe

But, you can’t just reach out to each client asking for their detailed opinion. Why? For starters, customers are busy people with limited time to provide their valuable feedback. Secondly, a non-standardized way of taking feedback would leave you with an overwhelming data mountain you will fail to scale. So, there is a method to the feedback madness where you divide customer opinions into four categories. And, here it is!

3 Effective Customer Feedback Surveys with Templates

Before we begin, know that customers don’t like writing scrolls of feedback, so you need to create short and sweet surveys that are quick to fill. You can then email these feedback collection surveys to customers soon after the purchase.

However, here you run the risk of buyers leaving your email unopened. So, make sure you write compelling subject lines that contain “power” words. Once you’ve given them a reason to open your email, make sure it contains an embedded feedback form within the body. They shouldn’t have to click on a link to go to another page for sharing their feedback.

Here are the 3 most popular customer feedback forms you should deploy at varied intervals over emails or on landing pages. The intention behind all 3 is to capture different reactions – all of which help you make your offering more saleable.

1. CSAT or Customer Satisfaction Survey

No organization can thrive without this staple feedback form. Calculating your CSAT score is the quickest way to figure out whether your customers like your offering or not. During their email marketing campaigns, marketers share these forms with customers right after they complete a sale. A CSAT survey usually runs on a scale of 1 to 5 or 10 points, with 5 being great and 1 being poor.

Here is a simple yet effective template that takes only a few clicks from your customer’s end, and you receive fairly detailed feedback. Now you can also design a CSAT template in such a way that you receive a few qualitative inputs along with a simple yes or no. For instance, check out the following CSAT survey template.

Why does this CSAT feedback template work?

This template requests an overall experience rating and also asks customers to rate aspects like taste, service speed, staff dealing, and cleanliness through graphics. Any diner will happily fill this feedback form as they can clearly see; it will only take a few seconds to do so.

As for the restaurant owner, information arising from a CSAT survey like this is easily quantifiable. They can also compare Year-on-Year (YoY) averages and figure out the areas that need improvement. Lastly, this template provides information on some of the most critical aspects of Subway’s business.

2. CES or Customer Effort Score Survey

Engaging with a brand is a holistic activity. It’s not just about buying a product; it is also about the experience of purchasing it. Suppose your customer bought your offering once but had a painful time going through the purchase cycle. In such a case, the likeliness of repeat business goes down manifold. But, you can avoid this by asking your customers about the ease of doing business with you with the help of a CES survey.

Here is a simple yet effective template that lets you measure a customer’s buying experience with your brand.


Why does this CES feedback template work?

It offers a one-question survey, requesting customers to rate their experience shopping with you. They can choose between 1 and 5 stars, and that’s all you need to figure out whether you made their buyer journey worthwhile or not. Most clients would rate their experience with you through this survey, and why not! It only takes a second.

Make sure to place a CES feedback form right after they finish a purchase cycle. You can also integrate one when planning your email marketing campaign. Towards the end of the campaign, once the sale has taken place, send them an email with a relatively longer feedback form for more detailed comments.

3. NPS or Net Promoter Score Survey

Nothing works better than when old customers bring in new buyers. If your business achieves this level of loyalty, consider your customers your fans. And, the way to find out if they indeed are, is by floating an NPS survey. This feedback form tells you how likely buyers are to recommend your product or brand to other leads. Responses from this survey tell you whether your brand is tapping into a sort of word-of-mouth marketing network or not.

Look at this slightly detailed NPS survey template. You can use only the 1 to 10 scale part for quicker responses. But, if you want a more nuanced reply, the rest of the questions are vital.


Why does this NPS feedback template work?

Firstly, even though this survey asks more than one question, it is a light fill for the customer. It also provides a number value which you can compare with last year’s data. You can access a buyer’s online or offline purchase experience and also get an opening for a testimonial. So, here is a tiny template that speaks volumes in terms of customer feedback.

The Bottom Line

Even though all these templates invite different types of feedback from customers, here are a few common things to keep in mind while etching out your feedback form.

Grab attention by keeping things short and sweet. Remember, it only takes 8 seconds for an individual to get distracted.

If you’re sending a feedback form over email, write a compelling subject line.

Add graphics or images instead of using too much text.

Minimize the number of question fields.

Equipped with the right customer feedback form, you can perfect your offerings and also the entire brand experience, which keeps buyers coming back for more.

The post The 3 Types of Customer Feedback Surveys You Need Right Now appeared first on ReadWrite.


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