Friday 14 January 2022

15 Types of Facebook Posts You Can Use to Engage Your Audience

Social media marketing is a must for business growth. We create accounts and brand pages on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or any other platform to attract a broad audience and turn them into loyal customers in the long term. We use content repurposing and social media remarketing to grow the audience and get qualified leads.

The only problem:

99% of other big and small businesses do the same. The competition for authentic followers’ interest is enormous, and we need to go the extra mile if we want to win it. And that’s where most marketers get stuck:

“What type of Facebook content does my business need?”

“What to post on Facebook to increase reach and interaction with my business page?”

“What to include in my Facebook content plan to address the needs of my targets and meet my business goals at the same time?”

By the end of this article, we’ll reveal the 15 best types of Facebook posts that guarantee audience engagement so that you wouldn’t have to wrestle with new content ideas every day.

Here they go:

1) Blog posts with tips, how-to’s, lists, etc.

If you manage a blog at your business website, why not share its content with your Facebook audience? Users love educational and informative posts that help them learn new things or find solutions to their problems. More than that, such content satisfies the need for knowledge we all subconsciously have.

Given that you know your buyer persona inside out, please consider their needs when choosing the blog content topics. Share actionable posts with tips and guides, how-to’s and useful lists, etc. Communicate your message so that readers would reflect and respond to it.

2) Original images (branded graphics)

Not only do original images make your Facebook page unique, but they also serve to your brand awareness among users. Thanks to the widest breadth of free online design tools available, we can choose the perfect free templates and create branded graphics with a company’s logo, colors, and fonts incorporated.

Use that chosen template design to share quotes, tips, motivational sayings, relevant jokes, etc. Consider various shades of your brand colors, add high-resolution stock photos, add text to photo free and come up with creative descriptions. Therefore you’ll get the unique content your audience will appreciate.

3) Infographics

Remember that people perceive visual information 60,000 times faster than text? Infographics are the perfect way to illustrate your business ideas instead of describing them in long reads. This content type often gets tons of likes and shares, killing two birds with one stone: It’s informative yet easy to consume.

But make sure to size them so that users can see all the tiny details well.

4) Stories

We know the power of storytelling:

Retaining 70% of information through stories, people are more likely to remember them, not bare facts or statistics about brands.

Stores evoke emotions, and emotional response is what influences our judgments about brands, boosting customer loyalty and intent to buy a product.

Users get lost in a sea of marketing messages today, and a compelling brand story is your chance to differentiate from the competition.

Stories resonate with us, especially if we’ve gone through something similar. So share stories about your business, its mission, or the people behind your brand. Speak to the struggles and needs of your audience.

Readers test your content by feelings rather than facts, so make them “feel” your Facebook writing.

5) Videos

Video is among the hottest trends of 2020: 53% of consumers consider it the most useful content form. And Facebook knows that: With over 8 billion videos watched there daily, the platform even has a separate “Watch” section dedicated to video alone.

So it’s a great Facebook post idea for your business page: Integrate video content into your feed.

Create and share it often, but remember: 85% of Facebook users watch videos with the sound off, so craft your video scripts accordingly.

Here go some ideas for your Facebook videos: basic stop motions, educational videos on how to use your product, behind the scenes of your business, your team, the fun side of your brand, interviews with experts, etc.

6) Quizzes and polls

This option is worth trying if your audience isn’t active on Facebook. Surveys and polls will engage users because such content appeals to a basic human instinct, known as social.

This instinct is about accomplishments and group participation. We love when others listen to us, so surveys and polls invite us to act and build a sense of personal value. Plus, this type of Facebook post can help you learn what the audience thinks about your product, its features, etc.

To engage followers, avoid “yes or no” questions, add a little bit of fun to answer options, or choose unexpected topics for surveys. It serves well for brand awareness and loyalty, so post such content from time to time to diversify your Facebook feed.

7) Quotes

People love quotes! They can connect with anyone, they resonate, and they inspire us to take action. On social media, quotes are among the most engaging types of content; and they can work for you too.

Don’t limit yourself to inspirational quotes from classic authors or mental gurus. Post quotes from influencers in your niche, your CEO or speakers, your customers, etc.

8) Viral photos

It’s OK to publish viral photos from time to time, to diversify a Facebook feed when you run out of content ideas. Why not add a pinch of humor and post a funny meme that is relevant to your industry? Come up with a short and smart description to make your followers smile.

This type of content is easy to generate. You can post funny photos or inspirational images that are eye-catching and inviting to click or share. The only rule here is: Ensure to maintain a consistent visual style of your Facebook page.

9) Questions

A great way to engage the audience in a conversation is by asking questions. Ask them about business decisions; propose to fill in the blanks, vote with a reaction, answer in the comments, you name it! But please include questions that are relevant to your industry and target audience.

You can also post the frequently asked questions from the audience, provide concise answers, and invite the community to give their tips and advice in the comments.

10) Podcasts

Users love podcasts because this format is comfortable to consume: We listen to educational or entertaining content and can do some other work at the same time. As a rule, one episode covers one topic; so the audience knows they’ll get a bundle of new information in bite-sized pieces. Plus, podcasts are convertible: If a user loves the info they got from a podcast, they’ll most likely share it to their Facebook pages.

Do research, find topics that are relevant to both your business and its audience, and record a few podcasts to share on your Facebook page. You can also repurpose your published blog posts as an audio format. Or, if you have no resources to craft this content type, feel free to repost the podcasts from your partners or industry influencers.

11) Selfies

Selfies are not for Instagram only. When done right, they can do a lot for your social media strategy on Facebook. It’s a chance to humanize your brand and give it a personality. Transparency and authenticity are what we all want to see from brands today; and what can be more transparent than personal photos of your business on social media?

It’s a great way to connect your brand with followers. Share the behind-the-scenes shots of your business; post photos of your team at conferences and other events; publish images of your workspace, your products in use, your team-building events, etc.

12) UGC (user-generated content)

UGC is a great marketing strategy to try. Not only does it work for your credibility, but it also helps to build a loyal community around your brand. So, when you see users create and share posts featuring your brand, consider sharing that content with your Facebook audiences. But remember to tag the author.

User-generated content promotes the authenticity of your brand, creates trust, and drives purchasing decisions. As we know, 88% of consumers trust recommendations from other customers more than ads from a brand itself; and, 79% of consumers say that UGC impacts their purchasing decisions by far. So, Facebook posts with UGC is your direct way to more sales.

13) Fun challenges

People come to Facebook for news and fun. A surefire way to get them interested and increase engagement is your posts with interactive content: games, easy contests with rewards, giveaways, fun challenges, etc. Such publications increase reach and brand awareness and can attract more followers to your Facebook community.

When posting contests or challenges on Facebook, think about the rules. What should participants do? Will you ask them to like, share, or comment? Or, will they need to take a photo with your product and write a story about using it? Also, think of prizes for a winner. What can you give: a freebie, a discount, a monetary reward?

14) Your news

It includes everything related to your product/service or business in general. Publish product previews, new features launch, brand awards and nominations, news about your business partners, etc.

Remember to include a call to action: Invite readers to join, visit your new page, vote for your new logo or website design, or whatever is relevant to that particular news you share.

15) Trending topics

Check the trending topics on Facebook regularly and post about those potentially interesting to your target audience. It’s an opportunity to interact with followers by asking their thoughts on the topic, responding to their comments, discussing alternative opinions, and so on. More than that, it’s your chance to increase reach: Facebook rewards publications that are about trending topics, showing them first in the feeds.

Or, you can get the most out of newsjacking to ride a hype wave related to a big deal in your industry or the world in general. Posting about hot news the online community discusses right now, you may get explosive traffic growth. The rule here: be creative when putting your business in the news context.

Wrapping Up

Now that you know the 15 most popular types of Facebook posts to publish on your business page, it’s time to choose the most relevant to your business needs and marketing strategy, and include them in your content plan.

All inner images: Provided by the author; Thank you!

Top Image Credit: Guilherme Almeida; Pexels; Thank you!

The post 15 Types of Facebook Posts You Can Use to Engage Your Audience appeared first on ReadWrite.


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